13 May, 2012

DAP Harus Beri Kerjasama Penuh Kepada Panel Bebas Untuk Ketahui Kebenaran

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Setiausaha Agong DAP YB Lim Guan Eng pada 12 Mei, 2012 di mana beliau telah mengisytiharkan pemboikotan DAP terhadap Panel Bebas untuk menyiasat keganasan semasa demo jalan Bersih 3.0.

Sila rujuk kenyataan penuhnya di:-

Pada 28 April yang lalu, kita telah lihat demo jalan Bersih 3.0 yang mengakibatkan huru-hara di bandaraya Kuala Lumpur di sekitar Dataran Merdeka. Pihak penganjur Bersih 3.0 pada sebelum itu telah berjanji akan mengadakan perhimpunan aman.

Bersih 3.0 telah disokong oleh Pakatan Rakyat termasuk parti DAP, sungguhpun bekas Senator DAP Tunku Abdul Aziz telah menasihati risiko dan bahaya demo jalan sedemikian.

Dalam hal ini, DAP tidak harus memboikot Panel Bebas untuk menyiasat keganasan semasa demo jalan Bersih 3.0 atas tanggapan peribadi mereka bahawa panel siasatan tersebut tidak bebas.

Kita dapat lihat Panel Bebas tersebut disertai orang dari pelbagai sektor, termasuk dua (2) orang wakil bebas dari sektor media iaitu Ketua Eksekutif Kumpulan Media Karangkraf (Sinar Harian), Datuk Husammuddin Yaacob dan Penasihat Undang-Undang Media Chinese International, Liew Peng Chuan.

Sebaliknya, DAP merupakan salah suatu pihak yang telah menyokong Bersih 3.0 dan pemimpinnya juga turut terlibat dalam demo jalan tersebut. DAP sebenarnya mempunyai kepentingan dalam hal ini dan pandangan mereka bukannya sebagai pihak bebas (non-independent).

Pemuda Gerakan Kedah menyeru agar DAP memberi kerjasama penuh kepada Panel Bebas tersebut agar kebenaran dapat diketahui oleh rakyat punca sebenar keganasan semasa demo jalan Bersih 3.0.

Kami berharap DAP tidak akan menghalang mana-mana pihak dari membantu siasatan Panel Bebas tersebut.

08 May, 2012

Malaysian Bar Should Assist All Malaysians Affected By Bersih 3.0 Street Demo

I refer to the Malaysian Bar upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 11 May, 2012.

The EGM will discuss 12 motions proposed by the Bar Council in relation to the street demostration of Bersih 3.0, including:-

1.        The Malaysian Bar calls on the Government to pay just and proper compensation to members of the public, media professionals and lawyers who were assaulted; and

2.         The Bar Council will look into how it can assist those denied their constitutional rights and those who were assaulted to pursue claims against the relevant parties for just and proper compensation.

I welcome the proposal by Malaysian Bar to assist those that may have been assaulted during the street demonstration of Bersih 3.0.

However, in doing so, the Malaysian Bar should also provide legal assistance to all Malaysians affected by the street demonstration, whether they are participants of Bersih 3.0 or otherwise.

As such, the legal assistance by the Malaysian Bar should include assistance to pursue compensation against the relevant parties by:-

1.       local traders, business premises, taxi drivers and others who suffered financial losses as a result of the street demonstration by Bersih 3.0;

2.         policemen who were assaulted by the participants of Bersih 3.0;

3.       those whose property, including vehicles that were damages by the participants of Bersih 3.0; and

4.         any other person who may be affected by the street demonstration of Bersih 3.0.

I believe that the Malaysian Bar should uphold the principles of Justice For All and not limit its assistance to a selected group of people.

As such, I hope that the Bar Council would revise their motion before being tabled at the EGM.

05 May, 2012

RM500 million Kedah Pakatan State Project Without Open Tender

In July 2011, Kedah Pakatan government initiated a government acquisition for a few parcels of land in Alor Star surrounding a previously abandoned project known as Plaza Tunku Yaacob.

The acquisition of the said land costing almost RM40 million is for a project known as Aman Central.

The development of the said project is estimated by the state to be worth RM500 million.

The state had awarded the project to a Penang based private company, which shall form a joint venture with Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Kedah (PKNK).

PKNK is a statutory body incorporated by the state and the chairman is Menteri Besar of Kedah.

Source: Warta Kedah.Net     Link: http://goo.gl/mNE1x

However, there was no Open Tender prior to the decision in awarding the joint venture to the said private company.

This is contrary to the pledge by Pakatan Rakyat in their Buku Jingga (Orange Book) announced last year.

In response, the state EXCO Dato Amiruddin Hamzah claims that there’s no Open Tender for the project because is a private initiated project. He further reveals that the private company holds 80% in the joint venture while PKNK only hold 20%.

Source:  Warta Kedah.Net    Link:  http://goo.gl/qlVe7

However, in the state gazette (Warta Kerajaan) on 9 Jun, 2011, it was stated that the acquisition of the said land was for the purpose of development by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Kedah (see below).

Therefore, how could the development be turn into private initiated project? Worse still, there was no Open Tender conducted to award the development worth RM500 million.

It is also surprising why PKNK’s subsidiary such as Bina Darulaman Berhad (listed in the Main Board Bursa Malaysia with vast experience in development) was not given the opportunity to carry out the project.

As such, Kedah Gerakan Youth hereby demands Menteri Besar Kedah to explain clearly this issue and why there’s was no Open Tender for the RM500 million state project meant for PKNK.