19 July, 2012

Tak Salah Kerajaan Kedah Beli Saham Felda

Saya merujuk kepada isu pembelian saham Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad (“FGVH”) oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kedah.

Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Kedah (PKNK) telah memohon untuk 1 juta saham FGVH dan berjaya membeli 500 ribu saham tersebut pada harga RM4.55 sesaham.

Saham FGVH kini telah naik hampir RM5.40 sesaham iaitu kenaikan hampir 20%.

Sebelum ini, Pakatan Rakyat telah mengkritik penyenaraian Felda di dalam Bursa Malaysia.

Dalam hal ini, Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat juga telah mengkritik pembelian saham FGVH oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kedah.

Pada hari ini, Menteri Besar Kedah Dato Seri Azizan Abdul Razak berkata PKNK akan diarahkan untuk menjual saham FGVH yang dimilikinya.

Pemuda Gerakan Kedah berpendapat bahawa pembelian saham FGVH oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kedah adalah tidak salah.

Dalam semangat 1Malaysia, Kerajaan Negeri Kedah juga berhak untuk kongsi pencapaian Felda dan menikmati kejayaannya di bawah kerajaan Barisan Nasional.

Pembelian saham FGVH oleh PKNK (yang dipengerusikan oleh Menteri Besar Kedah Dato Seri Azizan Abdul Razak) telah berjaya meraih keuntungan hampir 20% sejak penyenaraiannya di Bursa Malaysia pada 28 Jun lepas.

Kerajaan Negeri Kedah tidak perlu terikut-ikut dengan hasutan Pakatan Rakyat terhadap Felda.

Keputusan Kerajaan Negeri Kedah harus berdasarkan kepentingan rakyat dan bukannya tunduk kepada desakan politik yang tidak logik dari Pakatan Rakyat.

13 May, 2012

DAP Harus Beri Kerjasama Penuh Kepada Panel Bebas Untuk Ketahui Kebenaran

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Setiausaha Agong DAP YB Lim Guan Eng pada 12 Mei, 2012 di mana beliau telah mengisytiharkan pemboikotan DAP terhadap Panel Bebas untuk menyiasat keganasan semasa demo jalan Bersih 3.0.

Sila rujuk kenyataan penuhnya di:-

Pada 28 April yang lalu, kita telah lihat demo jalan Bersih 3.0 yang mengakibatkan huru-hara di bandaraya Kuala Lumpur di sekitar Dataran Merdeka. Pihak penganjur Bersih 3.0 pada sebelum itu telah berjanji akan mengadakan perhimpunan aman.

Bersih 3.0 telah disokong oleh Pakatan Rakyat termasuk parti DAP, sungguhpun bekas Senator DAP Tunku Abdul Aziz telah menasihati risiko dan bahaya demo jalan sedemikian.

Dalam hal ini, DAP tidak harus memboikot Panel Bebas untuk menyiasat keganasan semasa demo jalan Bersih 3.0 atas tanggapan peribadi mereka bahawa panel siasatan tersebut tidak bebas.

Kita dapat lihat Panel Bebas tersebut disertai orang dari pelbagai sektor, termasuk dua (2) orang wakil bebas dari sektor media iaitu Ketua Eksekutif Kumpulan Media Karangkraf (Sinar Harian), Datuk Husammuddin Yaacob dan Penasihat Undang-Undang Media Chinese International, Liew Peng Chuan.

Sebaliknya, DAP merupakan salah suatu pihak yang telah menyokong Bersih 3.0 dan pemimpinnya juga turut terlibat dalam demo jalan tersebut. DAP sebenarnya mempunyai kepentingan dalam hal ini dan pandangan mereka bukannya sebagai pihak bebas (non-independent).

Pemuda Gerakan Kedah menyeru agar DAP memberi kerjasama penuh kepada Panel Bebas tersebut agar kebenaran dapat diketahui oleh rakyat punca sebenar keganasan semasa demo jalan Bersih 3.0.

Kami berharap DAP tidak akan menghalang mana-mana pihak dari membantu siasatan Panel Bebas tersebut.

08 May, 2012

Malaysian Bar Should Assist All Malaysians Affected By Bersih 3.0 Street Demo

I refer to the Malaysian Bar upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 11 May, 2012.

The EGM will discuss 12 motions proposed by the Bar Council in relation to the street demostration of Bersih 3.0, including:-

1.        The Malaysian Bar calls on the Government to pay just and proper compensation to members of the public, media professionals and lawyers who were assaulted; and

2.         The Bar Council will look into how it can assist those denied their constitutional rights and those who were assaulted to pursue claims against the relevant parties for just and proper compensation.

I welcome the proposal by Malaysian Bar to assist those that may have been assaulted during the street demonstration of Bersih 3.0.

However, in doing so, the Malaysian Bar should also provide legal assistance to all Malaysians affected by the street demonstration, whether they are participants of Bersih 3.0 or otherwise.

As such, the legal assistance by the Malaysian Bar should include assistance to pursue compensation against the relevant parties by:-

1.       local traders, business premises, taxi drivers and others who suffered financial losses as a result of the street demonstration by Bersih 3.0;

2.         policemen who were assaulted by the participants of Bersih 3.0;

3.       those whose property, including vehicles that were damages by the participants of Bersih 3.0; and

4.         any other person who may be affected by the street demonstration of Bersih 3.0.

I believe that the Malaysian Bar should uphold the principles of Justice For All and not limit its assistance to a selected group of people.

As such, I hope that the Bar Council would revise their motion before being tabled at the EGM.

05 May, 2012

RM500 million Kedah Pakatan State Project Without Open Tender

In July 2011, Kedah Pakatan government initiated a government acquisition for a few parcels of land in Alor Star surrounding a previously abandoned project known as Plaza Tunku Yaacob.

The acquisition of the said land costing almost RM40 million is for a project known as Aman Central.

The development of the said project is estimated by the state to be worth RM500 million.

The state had awarded the project to a Penang based private company, which shall form a joint venture with Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Kedah (PKNK).

PKNK is a statutory body incorporated by the state and the chairman is Menteri Besar of Kedah.

Source: Warta Kedah.Net     Link: http://goo.gl/mNE1x

However, there was no Open Tender prior to the decision in awarding the joint venture to the said private company.

This is contrary to the pledge by Pakatan Rakyat in their Buku Jingga (Orange Book) announced last year.

In response, the state EXCO Dato Amiruddin Hamzah claims that there’s no Open Tender for the project because is a private initiated project. He further reveals that the private company holds 80% in the joint venture while PKNK only hold 20%.

Source:  Warta Kedah.Net    Link:  http://goo.gl/qlVe7

However, in the state gazette (Warta Kerajaan) on 9 Jun, 2011, it was stated that the acquisition of the said land was for the purpose of development by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Kedah (see below).

Therefore, how could the development be turn into private initiated project? Worse still, there was no Open Tender conducted to award the development worth RM500 million.

It is also surprising why PKNK’s subsidiary such as Bina Darulaman Berhad (listed in the Main Board Bursa Malaysia with vast experience in development) was not given the opportunity to carry out the project.

As such, Kedah Gerakan Youth hereby demands Menteri Besar Kedah to explain clearly this issue and why there’s was no Open Tender for the RM500 million state project meant for PKNK.

29 April, 2012

BERSIH Harus Elak Anak-Anak Kecil Sertai Demostrasi

Saya merujuk kepada demostrasi yang telah dianjurkan oleh Gabungan Pilihanraya Adil dan Bersih (“Bersih”) pada 28 April, 2012 di jalan-jalan sekitar Kuala Lumpur yang menghala ke Dataran Merdeka.

Pihak kami telah mendapati terdapat anak-anak kecil yang telah dibawa untuk mengikuti demostrasi jalan tersebut. Ada di antara anak-anak kecil tersebut yang dianggarkan berumur kurang dari 3 tahun.

Sila lihat video dan gambar dari pautan berikut:-

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yz8uC4zm2Q [ minit 0.42 ]


Pemuda Gerakan Kedah mengecam tindakan pihak penganjur Bersih yang tidak mengambil langkah proaktif untuk memastikan orang-orang mereka tidak membawa anak-anak kecil ke demostrasi jalan tersebut.  

Demostrasi jalan tersebut tidak sesuai untuk disertai oleh anak-anak kecil.

Kita telah lihat keadaaan huru-hara yang telah diakibatkan oleh demostrasi Bersih.  

Dalam memperjuangkan apa-apa agenda, Bersih harus berprihatin terhadap keselamatan anak-anak kecil dan anak-anak muda.

Saya berharap penganjur Bersih akan memastikan perkara sebegini tidak berulang lagi.

18 April, 2012

Section 22A of Mufti & Fatwa (Kedah) Enactment - Another Law Similar To Those in States Under Taliban

I refer to amendments of the Mufti and Fatwa (Kedah Darul Aman) Enactment 2008 passed by the Kedah State Assembly yesterday.

A new section - Section 22A had been inserted in the enactment, which states that a fatwa decided by the mufti or Fatwa Committee, whether gazetted or not, cannot be challenged, appealed, reviewed, denied or questioned in any Civil court or Syariah court.

Kedah Gerakan Youth condemns the latest move by Kedah Pakatan government to enact such a law which undermines democracy and rule of natural justice in the state.

Under the rule of natural justice, any person deserves a right to be heard and appeal against any decision made affecting him or her.

It is also absurd that a fatwa that may affect Kedahans need not be gazetted. So, how would the public know exactly what “fatwa” has been made in Kedah under Pakatan government?

Democracy and rule of natural justice should be accorded to all Kedahans, whether they are Muslim or non-Muslims.

On “fatwa” that may indirectly affects non-Muslim, it is unfair that the matter cannot be challenged in a Civil Court, eventhough it affects them.

For example, if the Pakatan state issues a fatwa to ban Muslim from issuing license for the sale of alcohol based drinks and the local Muslim district officer forced to comply with the fatwa, a non-Muslim, who is affected may not be able to challenge the decision in a Civil Court.

This latest move by Kedah Pakatan government is yet another law similar to those seen in states under Talibans.

As such, Kedah Gerakan Youth demands Pakatan Rakyat national leaders to:-

(1) immediately stop Kedah Pakatan government from implementing the said Section 22A; and

(2) to review the said Section 22A without any further delay.

16 April, 2012

Program Bicara Rakyat RTM Bukan Debat ---- Kalau YB Fuziah Salleh ingin debat, saya tetap sahut

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Ahli Parlimen PKR YB Fuziah Salleh yang disiarkan dalam Malaysiakini kelmarin berhubung forum Bicara Rakyat (pada 16 Mac) bagi isu kilang Lynas di Gebeng, Pahang.

Sumber: Malaysiakini, 15 April, 2012
Pautan: http://malaysiakini.com/news/195084

1. Saya merupakan salah satu ahli panel bagi program Bicara Rakyat tersebut bersama YB Fuziah Salleh dengan Ketua Pengarah AELB Raja Abdul Aziz.

2. Program Bicara Rakyat tersebut merupakan suatu Forum bagi membincangkan isu kilang Lynas. Ia bukannya suatu “debat” seperti yang didakwa oleh YB Fuziah Salleh.

3. Sebaliknya, debat antara saya dengan YB Fuziah Salleh tidak pernah diadakan berhubung isu Lynas, walaupun ia pernah dipersetujui oleh beliau dalam bulan Mac, 2012 atas anjuran Anas Zubedy.

Sumber: Blog Penganjur, Anas Zubedy

4. Debat tersebut sebenarnya telah dibatalkan setelah YB Fuziah Salleh tarik diri. Ini adalah selepas pihak penganjur menetapkan kedua-dua pihak perlu membawa seorang pakar sains untuk menyokong pandangan pihak pendebat.

5. Dalam isu RTM masih tidak menyiarkan forum Bicara Rakyat tersebut, saya berpendapat ini adalah keputusan atas budi bicara penganjur.

6. Saya berharap YB Fuziah Salleh tidak lagi mengeluarkan kenyataan prejudis dan tidak berasas terhadap mana-mana pihak dalam forum Bicara Rakyat tersebut untuk kepentingan politik.

7. Namun, sekiranya YB Fuziah Salleh masih ingin berdebat dalam isu Lynas, maka saya tetap menyahut cabaran beliau untuk memberi fakta tepat kepada rakyat.

10 April, 2012


Saya merujuk kepada demostrasi yang akan dianjurkan oleh Gabungan Pilihanraya Adil dan Bersih (“Bersih”) pada 28 April, 2012 di Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur. Perhimpunan tersebut juga dikenali sebagai Bersih 3.

Hari ini, Menteri Dalam Negeri, Dato Seri Hishammuddin Hussein telah mengumumkan perhimpunan Bersih 3 tersebut akan dibenarkan tertakluk kepada pematuhan Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2011.

Pemuda Gerakan Kedah mengalu-alukan keputusan kerajaan untuk membenarkan perhimpunan Bersih 3 atas semangat Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2011.

Di dalam sistem demokratik negara kita, Bersih berhak untuk menyuarakan pandangannya dalam apa-apa isu yang ingin diperjuangkan mereka.

Tetapi untuk mengelakkan ketenteraman awam dan kehidupan rakyat terjejas, adalah lebih baik sekiranya Bersih mengadakan perhimpunan Bersih 3 di tempat yang lebih sesuai.

Seperti yang telah dilihat pada tahun sebelumnya, demostrasi sebegini akan mengakibatkan kesesakan lalu lintas yang teruk di sekitar ibu kota, jika diadakan di Dataran Merdeka.

Ini secara tidak langsung akan menyusahkan rakyat di persekitaran dan menjejaskan sumber pendapatan golongan tertentu di kawasan yang terlibat, termasuk industri pelancongan.

Oleh yang demikian, Pemuda Gerakan Kedah mencadangkan agar pihak penganjur perhimpunan Bersih 3 mengubah tempat perhimpunan tersebut ke dalam sebuah “Stadium”.

Saya berharap penganjur Bersih 3 akan menimbang cadangan untuk adakan perhimpunan tersebut di dalam Stadium SEKIRANYA objektif mereka hanya untuk berhimpun secara aman untuk menyuarakan isu yang diperjuangkan mereka.

24 March, 2012

Form Panel of Experts to Review Batu Kawan Solar Panel (photovoltaic) plant to avoid China pollution crisis

About 2 weeks ago, I have raised concern over Penang proposed Solar Panel (photovoltaic) factory at Batu Kawan. This is in view of the environmental pollution crisis in Zhejiang village in China last year (September) as a result of such plant.

However, Penang government had brushed aside the matter as non-issue. No details were revealed as to how the state will avoid similar environmental pollution as in Zhejiang village.

Last Saturday, I have revealed that the proposed Solar Panel factory would also require Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) approval as the plant involves radioactivity substance.

It has now been revealed that the Solar Panel factory has yet to obtain or even applied for AELB approval.

So, what will Penang government say now about this?

I would suggest Penang government form a panel of experts to review the proposed Solar Panel (photovoltaic) factory & ensure similar environmental pollutions in China won't happen at Batu Kawan.

We should not take risk on matters that can be averted.
Let's #savePenang

14 March, 2012


I refer to the recent issue surrounding the setting up of a solar panel (photovoltaic) manufacturing plant at Batu Kawan.

In my statement 2 days ago, I have called for Penang Chief Minister YAB Lim Guan Eng to reveal the environmental impact of the solar panel (photovoltaic) manufacturing plant in view of the pollution crisis at Zhejiang village in China as a result of a similar factory. As such, I have also requested for the disclosure of the steps to be taken by Penang to avert such pollution like have seen in China.

Some 500 villagers at Zhejiang village staged a three-day protest following the death of large numbers of fish in a local river. Tests on water samples showed high levels of fluoride, which can be toxic in high doses

The solar panel (photovoltaic) manufacturing plant at Zhejiang had been closed down by authorities in China after the pollution incident in September, 2011.

[ Source: BBC News – 19th September, 2011
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-14968605 ]

However, yesterday, Penang Chief Minister YAB Lim Guan Eng brush aside this issue and claim that the solar panel (photovoltaic) manufacturing plant was approved by federal government agencies, including the Department of Environment (DOE) and the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida).

With due respect to the Penang Chief Minister, the land for the manufacturing plant had been sold by Penang Development Corporation (PDC), where the Sale & Purchase Agreement was signed on 29th February, 2012. The manufacturing plant would also be subjected to planning approvals by the local authorities in Penang.

It’s also within the authority of Penang state government to ensure proper safety regulations be made and adhered to avoid similar pollution crisis in Batu Kawan like what we have seen as a result of a solar panel (photovoltaic) manufacturing plant at Zhejiang.

I hope that YAB Lim Guan Eng would take this environmental issue seriously and review the approvals for the solar panel (photovoltaic) manufacturing plant. Appropriate regulations should be made to ensure there will not be any environmental crisis in Batu Kawan as a result of the solar panel (photovoltaic) manufacturing plant.

This is not the time to point fingers as to who approve the project but rather all parties should work together to ensure the well being of our people and their environment.

12 March, 2012


Saya merujuk kepada keputusan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang untuk membenarkan sebuah syarikat asing untuk membina sebuah kilang untuk menghasilkan panel solar (photovoltaic) & komponennya di Batu Kawan.

Pada 9 Mac, 2012, BOSCH Solar Energy telah dilaporkan membayar RM11.6 juta sebagai 20% bayaran pendahuluan bagi pembelian tapak kilang 32.3 hektar di Batu Kawan.

[ Sumber: The Star 9 Mac, 2012 ]
Link: http://thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp?file=/2012/3/9/north/10831641&sec=north

Pada tahun lepas, sebuah kilang di negara China yang juga menghasilkan panel solar (photovoltaic) dan komponennya telah menerima bantahan dari ramai penduduk tempatan. Ia telah dilaporkan bahawa kilang sedemikian telah membawa kesan buruk terhadap alam sekitar, termasuk pencemaran sungai dan udara di persekitaran kilang tersebut.

[ Sumber: The Guardian 18 September, 2011 ]
Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/18/chinese-solar-panel-factory-protest

Saya setuju bahawa penggunaan solar untuk menjana elektrik merupakan suatu sumber tenaga yang bersih dan tidak menjejaskan alam sekitar.

Tetapi ia juga merupakan fakta bahawa proses menghasilkan panel solar (photovoltaic) dan komponennya mempunyai kesan buruk terhadap alam sekitar.

Dalam hal ini, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang YAB Lim Guan Eng perlu berterus terang dengan rakyat apakah kesan-kesan alam sekitar yang mungkin dialami akibat kilang penghasilan solar panel (photovoltaic) yang diluluskan oleh kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Batu Kawan, Pulau Pinang.

Beliau juga harus memperjelaskan apakah langkah yang bakal diambil oleh Pakatan Rakyat untuk mengelak pencemaran alam sekitar seperti yang telah berlaku di negara China akibat kilang solar panel (photovoltaic) sedemikian.

06 March, 2012


I refer to the recent controversy in Kedah involving the setting up of a steering committee by PAS to oversee the decision taken by Menteri Besar of Kedah. This is one of the solutions suggested to resolve the current turmoil surrounding the current Kedah government.

It has been reported in news that the PAS steering committee can censor or even overrule Menteri Besar of Kedah on any decision.

[ Source: NST – 6th March, 2012 ]

The formation of PAS steering committee had raised serious questions in relation to chain of command in the state administration of Kedah.

The existence of PAS steering committee would indirectly absorb the role & powers accorded to the Menteri Besar of Kedah under the Kedah Constitution. This is clearly unconstitutional.

I demand PAS respect the Kedah Constitution and not to form any body or panel that intend to circumvent the function of Menteri Besar of Kedah, who is appointed by Sultan of Kedah under the Kedah Constitution.

PAS should not attempt to change the administration structure in Kedah under the pre-text of solving internal conflicts among their leaders.

If PAS believe their leaders are not capable in running the state of Kedah, then they should replace such leaders and give it to others who can administer the state in an orderly manner.

On whether the PAS steering committee would absolve the role of DAP & PKR in Kedah or not, I believe that is an internal matter of Pakatan and would not make much difference as Kedah has been known as a PAS-led state.

07 February, 2012


I refer to the news that PAS Youth propose the government to place advertisement to discourage Muslim from celebrating Valentine’s Day.

PAS Youth Chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi claims that the celebration of Valentine’s Day would promote “immoral activities”.

[ Source: The Star, 7th January, 2012 ]

There’s nothing wrong for PAS Youth to discourage Muslim from celebrating Valentine’s Day if it’s against the teaching of Islam.

However, in doing so, PAS Youth should not allege that Valentine’s Day celebration would promote “immoral activities”.

This would imply that non-Muslim Malaysians who celebrate Valentine’s Day would be involved in “immoral activities”.

PAS Youth should study the history and culture of Valentine’s Day celebration before making such an irresponsible assumption.

It’s wrong for PAS Youth to prejudge the morality of non-Muslim Malaysians who wishes to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

The continuous insult by PAS Youth over the years towards those celebrating Valentine’s Day must be stopped.

If Pakatan Rakyat adopts a moderate stand, then they must ensure:-

1. PAS Youth immediately retract their allegation that Valentine’s Day celebration promotes “immoral activities” and to stop repeating such allegation in future; and

2. PAS Youth apologizes for their irresponsible allegation.

04 January, 2012


I refer to the recent controversy in Kedah surrounding the proposed cancellation of liquor license in Kulim after June, 2012. The proposed move is expected to affect more than 100 local shops.

In response to this, the Kedah PAS-led government claimed yesterday that they have not given any order to the Kulim district office to make it a non-alcohol district in July, 2012.

[ Source: The Star, 4th January, 2012 ]

In addition to this, several state Pakatan leaders, including those from DAP & PKR had implied that the proposed alcohol ban was made by the Kulim district office and not the state. Thus, they have no knowledge of the matter.

Over the past 3 years, we have seen in any controversy arising in Pakatan states, their leaders would tend to blame the state civil servant.

With due respect to them, state civil servant are part of the state administration and within Pakatan’s jurisdiction.

It’s regrettable that the Kedah PAS-led government has yet again tried to give impression as if the Kulim district office is not part of them.

Last year, Kedah Pakatan leaders also tried to distant themselves from Sungai Petani Municipal Council when local stalls were demolished along Jalan Cinta Sayang. In Selangor, Pakatan also disclaim their involvement in JAIS’s raid at a church, despite JAIS is a Selangor Pakatan controlled state agency.

It’s unfair for Pakatan leaders to constantly blame state civil servants when any controversy arises in their administration. The state civil servants are merely carrying out their duty in accordance to the policy of Pakatan Rakyat.

PAS policy to ban the sale of liquor is nothing new, even though it affects the rights of non-Muslim. In 2009, PAS manage to convince Selangor Pakatan state government to ban the sale of liquor in Shah Alam.

Thus, instead of shifting the blame to the state civil servants, Kedah PAS-led should immediately rectify the current fiasco and cancel their ban on the sale of liquor in Kulim.

Kedah Menteri Besar should look into this without any further delay, if the decision to ban liquor sale is really not theirs.