Saya merujuk kepada mesyuarat Pakatan Rakyat semalam yang memutuskan bahawa Pakatan Rakyat tidak akan melaksanakan hukum Hudud di negara kita, termasuk negeri Kelantan kerana dibantah oleh pelbagai pihak.
1. Saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada Pakatan Rakyat atas keputusan bernas mereka untuk tidak melaksanakan hukum Hudud di negara kita, termasuk negeri Kelantan.
2. Undang-undang sedia ada di negara kita sudah lama diguna pakai dan tidak perlu diubah secara drastik. Tambahan lagi, Perlembagaan Malaysia tidak mempunyai peruntukan untuk melaksanakan undang-undang Hudud.
3. Keputusan Pakatan Rakyat ini juga jelas menunjukkan bahawa hukum Hudud ditolak oleh majoriti dalam kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat.
4. Perlaksanaan hukum Hudud di Malaysia hanya merupakan impian peribadi segelintir pemimpin di dalam PAS.
5. PAS harus sedar bahawa Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang berbilang kaum dan agama. Adalah tidak wajar PAS memaksa pandangan mereka ke atas semua rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan agama.
6. Saya berharap Pakatan Rakyat akan memastikan PAS tidak lagi mengamalkan atau mencadangkan apa-apa dasar dan polisi yang tidak menghormati Perlembagaan Malaysia di dalam negara kita.
29 September, 2011
03 September, 2011
Saya merujuk kepada cadangan penukaran Menteri Besar Kedah Dato Seri Azizan Abdul Razak seperti yang dilaporkan dalam media baru-baru ini. Ini adalah berikutan masalah kesihatannya selepas diserang sakit jantung bulan lepas.
Dalam hal ini, kita harus memahami bahawa tiada pihak yang akan dapat meramal apa-apa masalah kesihatan ataupun apa-apa malapetaka lain yang mungkin terjadi ke atas mana-mana Menteri Besar Kedah, samada dari pihak Pakatan Rakyat ataupun Barisan Nasional.
Tetapi, ini tidak bermakna kerajaan negeri tidak perlu mengambil apa-apa langkah untuk mengelak ketidakpastian sedemikian.
Dalam situasi di mana Menteri Besar Kedah tidak dapat berfungsi bagi suatu tempoh panjang, adalah lebih baik sekiranya kerajaan negeri mempunyai seorang Timbalan Menteri Besar bagi mengambil alih tugas beliau dan memastikan pentadbiran negeri stabil dan tidak terjejas.
Walau bagaimanapun, Perlembagaan negeri Kedah tidak mempunyai apa-apa peruntukan bagi perlantikan jawatan “Timbalan Menteri Besar” sejak dahulu lagi.
Sebuah kerajaan negeri yang stabil harus mempunyai peruntukan untuk apa-apa kejadian yang mungkin menimpa pemimpin tertingginya.
Oleh itu, saya mencadangkan agar kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah mengkaji untuk menwujudkan peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan negeri Kedah untuk jawatan Timbalan Menteri Besar Kedah, sekiranya diperkenan oleh Sultan negeri Kedah.
Sekiranya Menteri Besar Kedah tidak dapat berfungsi dalam tempoh 30 hari, maka Timbalan Menteri Besar Kedah tersebut akan mengambil alih fungsi beliau dalam pentadbiran negeri.
Saya berharap Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah akan meneliti cadangan ini bagi kestabilan negeri pada masa hadapan dan bagi kebaikan rakyat negeri Kedah.
Dalam hal ini, kita harus memahami bahawa tiada pihak yang akan dapat meramal apa-apa masalah kesihatan ataupun apa-apa malapetaka lain yang mungkin terjadi ke atas mana-mana Menteri Besar Kedah, samada dari pihak Pakatan Rakyat ataupun Barisan Nasional.
Tetapi, ini tidak bermakna kerajaan negeri tidak perlu mengambil apa-apa langkah untuk mengelak ketidakpastian sedemikian.
Dalam situasi di mana Menteri Besar Kedah tidak dapat berfungsi bagi suatu tempoh panjang, adalah lebih baik sekiranya kerajaan negeri mempunyai seorang Timbalan Menteri Besar bagi mengambil alih tugas beliau dan memastikan pentadbiran negeri stabil dan tidak terjejas.
Walau bagaimanapun, Perlembagaan negeri Kedah tidak mempunyai apa-apa peruntukan bagi perlantikan jawatan “Timbalan Menteri Besar” sejak dahulu lagi.
Sebuah kerajaan negeri yang stabil harus mempunyai peruntukan untuk apa-apa kejadian yang mungkin menimpa pemimpin tertingginya.
Oleh itu, saya mencadangkan agar kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah mengkaji untuk menwujudkan peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan negeri Kedah untuk jawatan Timbalan Menteri Besar Kedah, sekiranya diperkenan oleh Sultan negeri Kedah.
Sekiranya Menteri Besar Kedah tidak dapat berfungsi dalam tempoh 30 hari, maka Timbalan Menteri Besar Kedah tersebut akan mengambil alih fungsi beliau dalam pentadbiran negeri.
Saya berharap Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah akan meneliti cadangan ini bagi kestabilan negeri pada masa hadapan dan bagi kebaikan rakyat negeri Kedah.
17 July, 2011
I refer to the recent decision by Kedah PAS government to ban entertainment outlets in Kedah during the month of Ramadhan.
I would like to congratulate the announcement by PAS President Dato Seri Abdul Hadi Awang that their government in Kedah would revoke their earlier plans to ban entertainment outlets during the month of Ramadhan.
Undoubtedly, the earlier decision taken by Kedah PAS government would have been a serious infringement of the fundamental rights of non-Muslim in Kedah. It would also have caused severe damage to the tourism industry in Kedah, especially in Langkawi.
The indecisiveness of PAS over the past week in revoking such unfair policies against non-Muslim in Kedah had certainly caused irreversible damage to the confidence of the business community, in particular those in the entertainment and tourism industry.
As such, it is hope that PAS would learn from the recent fiasco that any of their extreme policies are not welcome in any part of our country.
PAS should learn to adapt and be part of our moderate country that has been free of extremism.
In line with today’s decision, Kedah Gerakan Youth hope that Dato Seri Abdul Hadi Awang would ensure that their PAS government in Kedah would pass the requisite decision in the upcoming State Executive Council (Exco) meeting this Wednesday to revoke their earlier plans to ban entertainment outlets during Ramadhan month.
The decision in Kedah Exco should also lay down clearly all the conditions that the state wishes to impose on the entertainment outlets during Ramadhan month so as to avoid any ambiguity and confusion.
I would like to congratulate the announcement by PAS President Dato Seri Abdul Hadi Awang that their government in Kedah would revoke their earlier plans to ban entertainment outlets during the month of Ramadhan.
Undoubtedly, the earlier decision taken by Kedah PAS government would have been a serious infringement of the fundamental rights of non-Muslim in Kedah. It would also have caused severe damage to the tourism industry in Kedah, especially in Langkawi.
The indecisiveness of PAS over the past week in revoking such unfair policies against non-Muslim in Kedah had certainly caused irreversible damage to the confidence of the business community, in particular those in the entertainment and tourism industry.
As such, it is hope that PAS would learn from the recent fiasco that any of their extreme policies are not welcome in any part of our country.
PAS should learn to adapt and be part of our moderate country that has been free of extremism.
In line with today’s decision, Kedah Gerakan Youth hope that Dato Seri Abdul Hadi Awang would ensure that their PAS government in Kedah would pass the requisite decision in the upcoming State Executive Council (Exco) meeting this Wednesday to revoke their earlier plans to ban entertainment outlets during Ramadhan month.
The decision in Kedah Exco should also lay down clearly all the conditions that the state wishes to impose on the entertainment outlets during Ramadhan month so as to avoid any ambiguity and confusion.
15 July, 2011
I refer to the decision by Kedah Pakatan Rakyat government to ban entertainment outlets in the state for the whole period of 1 month during Ramadhan.
It is obvious that the move by Pakatan Rakyat in Kedah would affect non-Muslims as the ban of the entertainment outlets would in total. There’s no exception for non-Muslims.
Notwithstanding the move by Pakatan Rakyat had been severely criticized by Kedahans since its announcement on Wednesday by Menteri Besar Kedah, Pakatan Rakyat national leaders had failed to ensure the immediate reversal of the decision in Kedah.
The decision by Kedah Pakatan Rakyat government would:-
1. severely affect the tourism industry in Langkawi;
2. challenges the basic human rights of non-Muslim in the state; and
3. cause difficulties to operators and employees of the entertainment outlets.
Any further procrastination by Pakatan Rakyat in reversing the decision in Kedah would cause more ambiguity in the policies in the state.
Both DAP and PKR should not sacrifice Kedahans as “tribute” to please their counterparts PAS.
Kedahans do not need any rhetoric protest from any DAP or PKR leaders which would not solve the predicament faced by Kedahans.
Kedah Gerakan Youth demands that Pakatan Rakyat national leaders immediately within a period of one (1) week ensure the reversal of the decision by their government in Kedah to ban entertainment outlets against non-Muslim during the month of Ramadhan.
In the event if Pakatan Rakyat fails to meet our demands by 22nd July, 2011, we will not hesitate to commence any legal proceedings to protect the interest of all Kedahans.
It is obvious that the move by Pakatan Rakyat in Kedah would affect non-Muslims as the ban of the entertainment outlets would in total. There’s no exception for non-Muslims.
Notwithstanding the move by Pakatan Rakyat had been severely criticized by Kedahans since its announcement on Wednesday by Menteri Besar Kedah, Pakatan Rakyat national leaders had failed to ensure the immediate reversal of the decision in Kedah.
The decision by Kedah Pakatan Rakyat government would:-
1. severely affect the tourism industry in Langkawi;
2. challenges the basic human rights of non-Muslim in the state; and
3. cause difficulties to operators and employees of the entertainment outlets.
Any further procrastination by Pakatan Rakyat in reversing the decision in Kedah would cause more ambiguity in the policies in the state.
Both DAP and PKR should not sacrifice Kedahans as “tribute” to please their counterparts PAS.
Kedahans do not need any rhetoric protest from any DAP or PKR leaders which would not solve the predicament faced by Kedahans.
Kedah Gerakan Youth demands that Pakatan Rakyat national leaders immediately within a period of one (1) week ensure the reversal of the decision by their government in Kedah to ban entertainment outlets against non-Muslim during the month of Ramadhan.
In the event if Pakatan Rakyat fails to meet our demands by 22nd July, 2011, we will not hesitate to commence any legal proceedings to protect the interest of all Kedahans.
14 June, 2011
13 June, 2011
Saya merujuk kepada demostrasi yang akan dianjurkan oleh Gabungan Pilihanraya Adil dan Bersih (“Bersih”) pada 9 Julai, 2011 di ibu kota, Kuala Lumpur. Pihak penganjur demostrasi tersebut telah mensasarkan kehadiran lebih kurang 60 ribu orang.
1. Di dalam sistem demokratik negara kita, Bersih berhak untuk menyuarakan pandangannya dalam apa-apa isu yang ingin diperjuangkan mereka. Tetapi ini tidak bererti mereka berhak untuk menganjurkan apa-apa aktiviti yang akan menjejaskan ketenteraman awam.
2. Seperti yang telah dilihat pada tahun sebelumnya, demostrasi sebegini akan mengakibatkan kesesakan lalu lintas yang teruk di sekitar ibu kota.
3. Ini secara tidak langsung akan menjejaskan sumber pendapatan golongan tertentu di kawasan yang terlibat.
4. Selain itu, keselamatan dan harta benda rakyat di kawasan yang terlibat mungkin juga akan terancam.
5. Oleh yang demikian, Pemuda Gerakan Kedah mencadangkan agar pihak penganjur demostrasi Bersih mengubah tempat demostrasi tersebut ke dalam sebuah “Stadium”.
6. Tiada sebab yang munasabah untuk pihak penganjur Bersih menolak cadangan supaya demostrasi tersebut diadakan dalam sebuah Stadium SEKIRANYA objektif mereka hanya untuk menyuarakan isu yang diperjuangkan mereka dan bukannya untuk mengakibatakan huru-hara dalam negara kita.
7. Adalah diharap pihak penganjur demostrasi Bersih tidak akan menjejaskan kehidupan Rakyat dalam perjuangan apa-apa isu di dalam negara kita.
8. Pihak penganjur demostrasi Bersih harus berprihatin terhadap nasib Rakyat dan ketenteraman awam. Keamanan negara tidak harus dipergadaikan.
1. Di dalam sistem demokratik negara kita, Bersih berhak untuk menyuarakan pandangannya dalam apa-apa isu yang ingin diperjuangkan mereka. Tetapi ini tidak bererti mereka berhak untuk menganjurkan apa-apa aktiviti yang akan menjejaskan ketenteraman awam.
2. Seperti yang telah dilihat pada tahun sebelumnya, demostrasi sebegini akan mengakibatkan kesesakan lalu lintas yang teruk di sekitar ibu kota.
3. Ini secara tidak langsung akan menjejaskan sumber pendapatan golongan tertentu di kawasan yang terlibat.
4. Selain itu, keselamatan dan harta benda rakyat di kawasan yang terlibat mungkin juga akan terancam.
5. Oleh yang demikian, Pemuda Gerakan Kedah mencadangkan agar pihak penganjur demostrasi Bersih mengubah tempat demostrasi tersebut ke dalam sebuah “Stadium”.
6. Tiada sebab yang munasabah untuk pihak penganjur Bersih menolak cadangan supaya demostrasi tersebut diadakan dalam sebuah Stadium SEKIRANYA objektif mereka hanya untuk menyuarakan isu yang diperjuangkan mereka dan bukannya untuk mengakibatakan huru-hara dalam negara kita.
7. Adalah diharap pihak penganjur demostrasi Bersih tidak akan menjejaskan kehidupan Rakyat dalam perjuangan apa-apa isu di dalam negara kita.
8. Pihak penganjur demostrasi Bersih harus berprihatin terhadap nasib Rakyat dan ketenteraman awam. Keamanan negara tidak harus dipergadaikan.
01 June, 2011
31 May, 2011
Saya merujuk kepada keputusan 17 Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Sungai Petani Kedah (MPSPK) untuk tidak menghadiri apa-apa mesyuarat MPSPK sehingga Yang Dipertua MPSPK ditukar.
Isu ini adalah berikutan kes gerai-gerai di sepanjang Jalan Cinta Sayang yang dirobohkan oleh MPSPK baru-baru ini. Ahli-ahli Majlis MPSPK tersebut juga telah menghantar memorandum kepada Menteri Besar Kedah semalam.
MB Kedah berkata tindakan meroboh gerai tersebut perlu melalui perbincangan dan mesti ada sifat kemanusiaan, walaupun penubuhan gerai tersebut didapati menyalahi undang-undang.
[ Sumber: – 31 Mei, 2011 ]
Pemuda Gerakan Kedah berasa kesal dengan insiden ini di mana kakitangan awam negeri secara tidak langsung disalahkan apabila berlaku masalah akibat polisi kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
MPSPK adalah di bawah pengurusan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah. Keputusan yang diambil oleh MPSPK adalah sebenarnya keputusan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah.
Adalah tidak wajar Pakatan Rakyat memberi tanggapan kepada rakyat Kedah seolah-olah MPSPK bukan di bawah pengurusan mereka.
Tindakan kakitangan awam negeri Kedah adalah mengikut polisi dan dasar Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah. Pakatan Rakyat harus bertanggungjawab ke atas polisi dan dasar yang ditetapkan mereka.
Oleh itu, Pakatan Rakyat tidak harus menjadikan kakitangan awam negeri, termasuk MPSPK sebagai mangsa apabila berlaku apa-apa masalah dalam pentadbiran negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Pada hakikatnya, masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat Kedah adalah berpunca daripada dasar-dasar Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak berprihatin terhadap nasib rakyat Kedah. Dasar dan polisi sedemikian harus ditukar dan bukannya kakitangan awam yang hanya menjalankan tugas.
Saya berharap agar Menteri Besar Kedah memastikan kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat Kedah bertanggungjawab ke atas kes gerai-gerai yang dirobohkan di Sungai Petani oleh MPSPK.
Saya mencadangkan agar kerajaan negeri Kedah:-
1. membina semula gerai-gerai tersebut di suatu tapak yang dipersetujui oleh semua pemilik gerai-gerai tersebut; dan
2. tidak lagi menyalahkan kakitangan awam negeri Kedah yang hanya menjalankan tugas mengikut dasar dan polisi Pakatan Rakyat.
Isu ini adalah berikutan kes gerai-gerai di sepanjang Jalan Cinta Sayang yang dirobohkan oleh MPSPK baru-baru ini. Ahli-ahli Majlis MPSPK tersebut juga telah menghantar memorandum kepada Menteri Besar Kedah semalam.
MB Kedah berkata tindakan meroboh gerai tersebut perlu melalui perbincangan dan mesti ada sifat kemanusiaan, walaupun penubuhan gerai tersebut didapati menyalahi undang-undang.
[ Sumber: – 31 Mei, 2011 ]
Pemuda Gerakan Kedah berasa kesal dengan insiden ini di mana kakitangan awam negeri secara tidak langsung disalahkan apabila berlaku masalah akibat polisi kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
MPSPK adalah di bawah pengurusan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah. Keputusan yang diambil oleh MPSPK adalah sebenarnya keputusan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah.
Adalah tidak wajar Pakatan Rakyat memberi tanggapan kepada rakyat Kedah seolah-olah MPSPK bukan di bawah pengurusan mereka.
Tindakan kakitangan awam negeri Kedah adalah mengikut polisi dan dasar Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah. Pakatan Rakyat harus bertanggungjawab ke atas polisi dan dasar yang ditetapkan mereka.
Oleh itu, Pakatan Rakyat tidak harus menjadikan kakitangan awam negeri, termasuk MPSPK sebagai mangsa apabila berlaku apa-apa masalah dalam pentadbiran negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Pada hakikatnya, masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat Kedah adalah berpunca daripada dasar-dasar Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak berprihatin terhadap nasib rakyat Kedah. Dasar dan polisi sedemikian harus ditukar dan bukannya kakitangan awam yang hanya menjalankan tugas.
Saya berharap agar Menteri Besar Kedah memastikan kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat Kedah bertanggungjawab ke atas kes gerai-gerai yang dirobohkan di Sungai Petani oleh MPSPK.
Saya mencadangkan agar kerajaan negeri Kedah:-
1. membina semula gerai-gerai tersebut di suatu tapak yang dipersetujui oleh semua pemilik gerai-gerai tersebut; dan
2. tidak lagi menyalahkan kakitangan awam negeri Kedah yang hanya menjalankan tugas mengikut dasar dan polisi Pakatan Rakyat.
05 May, 2011
Saya merujuk kepada isu cukai tanah Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) yang telah dinaikkan dari RM100,000 setahun kepada RM1.7 juta setahun, iaitu 17 kali ganda. Ini adalah berikutan kerajaan PAS Kedah enggan menyambung rebat cukai tanah kepada UUM.
Semalam, Menteri Besar Kedah Dato Seri Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak turut berkata bahawa tindakan undang-undang bakal diambil terhadap UUM sekira mereka enggan membayar cukai tanah pada kadar baru tersebut dalam tempoh yang diberikan. Ini termasuk denda sebanyak RM90,000 atau tanah disita oleh kerajaan negeri.
[ Sumber: The Malaysian Insider 5th May, 2011 ]
Saya berasa kesal dengan kenyataan baru Menteri Besar Kedah yang dilihat tidak ikhlas dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh UUM, iaitu salah satu institut pengajian tinggi di negeri Kedah.
Kerajaan PAS Kedah harus memahami bahawa UUM adalah suatu institut penting di negeri Kedah yang membina modal insan negara dan bukannya suatu tempat untuk mengaut keuntungan.
Kenyataan Menteri Besar tersebut merupakan suatu desakan yang melampau dan seakan ugutan terhadap suatu institut pengajian tinggi UUM.
Kerajaan PAS Kedah seharusnya menyelesaikan masalah yang ditimbulkannya dan bukannya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang melampau.
Pada hakikatnya, tindakan kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah yang enggan melanjutkan rebat cukai tanah (diberikan dahulu oleh kerajaan Kedah Barisan Nasional) sememangnya telah menaikkan jumlah cukai tanah yang perlu dibayar oleh UUM sebanyak 17 kali ganda. Ini bakal menjejaskan bajet UUM, yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk membantu pembangunan pelajar-pelajar UUM
Memandangkan kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah tidak ikhlas dalam menyelesaikan isu cukai tanah UUM tersebut, saya berharap kepimpinan pusat Pakatan Rakyat membuat pendirian mereka terhadap isu ini bagi menyelesaikan kemelut yang dihadapi UUM akibat tindakan kerajaan PAS Kedah.
Pemimpin-pemimpin pusat Pakatan Rakyat, seperti Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang dan Dato Seri Abdul Hadi Awang tidak boleh selalu berdiam diri apabila rakyat di negeri Pakatan Rakyat Kedah menghadapi masalah. Justeru, Pakatan Rakyat pusat digesa campur tangan untuk menyelesaikan isu cukai tanah UUM akibat tindakan kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah.
Semalam, Menteri Besar Kedah Dato Seri Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak turut berkata bahawa tindakan undang-undang bakal diambil terhadap UUM sekira mereka enggan membayar cukai tanah pada kadar baru tersebut dalam tempoh yang diberikan. Ini termasuk denda sebanyak RM90,000 atau tanah disita oleh kerajaan negeri.
[ Sumber: The Malaysian Insider 5th May, 2011 ]
Saya berasa kesal dengan kenyataan baru Menteri Besar Kedah yang dilihat tidak ikhlas dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh UUM, iaitu salah satu institut pengajian tinggi di negeri Kedah.
Kerajaan PAS Kedah harus memahami bahawa UUM adalah suatu institut penting di negeri Kedah yang membina modal insan negara dan bukannya suatu tempat untuk mengaut keuntungan.
Kenyataan Menteri Besar tersebut merupakan suatu desakan yang melampau dan seakan ugutan terhadap suatu institut pengajian tinggi UUM.
Kerajaan PAS Kedah seharusnya menyelesaikan masalah yang ditimbulkannya dan bukannya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang melampau.
Pada hakikatnya, tindakan kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah yang enggan melanjutkan rebat cukai tanah (diberikan dahulu oleh kerajaan Kedah Barisan Nasional) sememangnya telah menaikkan jumlah cukai tanah yang perlu dibayar oleh UUM sebanyak 17 kali ganda. Ini bakal menjejaskan bajet UUM, yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk membantu pembangunan pelajar-pelajar UUM
Memandangkan kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah tidak ikhlas dalam menyelesaikan isu cukai tanah UUM tersebut, saya berharap kepimpinan pusat Pakatan Rakyat membuat pendirian mereka terhadap isu ini bagi menyelesaikan kemelut yang dihadapi UUM akibat tindakan kerajaan PAS Kedah.
Pemimpin-pemimpin pusat Pakatan Rakyat, seperti Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang dan Dato Seri Abdul Hadi Awang tidak boleh selalu berdiam diri apabila rakyat di negeri Pakatan Rakyat Kedah menghadapi masalah. Justeru, Pakatan Rakyat pusat digesa campur tangan untuk menyelesaikan isu cukai tanah UUM akibat tindakan kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah.
I refer to the decision of Pakatan Rakyat Selangor state government to hold local government elections by the end of this month to elect 3 village chiefs for Kampung Baru Sungai Jarom, Kampung Baru Pandamaran and Kampung Bagan in Pulau Ketam.
Prior to this, Pakatan Rakyat had refused or failed to implement local government elections for all their Pakatan Rakyat states, being Kedah, Penang, Kelantan and Selangor.
This is contrary to their election pledge made to Malaysian during the general election 2008, which was also reaffirmed last year during their Pakatan Rakyat Convention.
In the past 3 years, Pakatan Rakyat states had constantly given various excuses, including legality, for their refusal or failure to implement local government elections in their respective states. Last year, DAP led Penang state government had also commissioned a panel to study the legal aspect on holding local government elections in the state. But to date, they had not concluded whether they would hold local government elections or not.
Now, the decision of Selangor to hold local government elections for 3 villages clearly show that Pakatan Rakyat states are able to hold local government elections as the “power to appoint ultimately lies in their hands”. The issue is whether Pakatan Rakyat wants to fulfill their pledge to hold such election or not prior to exercising their power to appoint.
Pakatan Rakyat should be reminded that holding local government elections for 3 villages in Selangor does not absolve them from fulfilling their pledge to hold local government elections in all Pakatan Rakyat states.
It would be a mockery if Pakatan Rakyat only proceeds with local government elections for the 3 villages but refuse to implement it in other parts of Pakatan Rakyat states.
Pakatan Rakyat states must now disclose whether they intend to fulfill their pledge to hold local government elections for all Pakatan Rakyat states.
If Pakatan Rakyat fail to fulfill local government elections in all their states before the next general election, then it is fair for Malaysian to consider it as another Pakatan Rakyat empty promise.
Prior to this, Pakatan Rakyat had refused or failed to implement local government elections for all their Pakatan Rakyat states, being Kedah, Penang, Kelantan and Selangor.
This is contrary to their election pledge made to Malaysian during the general election 2008, which was also reaffirmed last year during their Pakatan Rakyat Convention.
In the past 3 years, Pakatan Rakyat states had constantly given various excuses, including legality, for their refusal or failure to implement local government elections in their respective states. Last year, DAP led Penang state government had also commissioned a panel to study the legal aspect on holding local government elections in the state. But to date, they had not concluded whether they would hold local government elections or not.
Now, the decision of Selangor to hold local government elections for 3 villages clearly show that Pakatan Rakyat states are able to hold local government elections as the “power to appoint ultimately lies in their hands”. The issue is whether Pakatan Rakyat wants to fulfill their pledge to hold such election or not prior to exercising their power to appoint.
Pakatan Rakyat should be reminded that holding local government elections for 3 villages in Selangor does not absolve them from fulfilling their pledge to hold local government elections in all Pakatan Rakyat states.
It would be a mockery if Pakatan Rakyat only proceeds with local government elections for the 3 villages but refuse to implement it in other parts of Pakatan Rakyat states.
Pakatan Rakyat states must now disclose whether they intend to fulfill their pledge to hold local government elections for all Pakatan Rakyat states.
If Pakatan Rakyat fail to fulfill local government elections in all their states before the next general election, then it is fair for Malaysian to consider it as another Pakatan Rakyat empty promise.
29 April, 2011

Saya merujuk kepada tindakan ahli-ahli serta beberapa pemimpin PKR yang telah mengadakan demostrasi di dalam sebuah Masjid di Sentul, Kuala Lumpur pada hari ini.
Ini berikutan bantahan mereka terhadap suatu upacara “Sumpah Laknat” yang akan diadakan di dalam Masjid tersebut.
Demostrasi tersebut telah mengakibatkan huru-hara di dalam Masjid tersebut pada hari ini.
Seperti yang diketahui PKR, Masjid merupakan tempat beribadat bagi orang-orang Muslim di negara kita. Ia merupakan suatu tempat suci yang harus dihormati oleh semua pihak tanpa mengira fahaman politik mereka.
Pemuda Gerakan Kedah berasa kesal terhadap tindakan PKR mengadakan demostrasi di dalam sebuah Masjid pada hari ini.
Sungguhpun PKR ingin membantah apa-apa upacara dalam sebuah Masjid, mereka harus melakukan dengan cara yang beradat dan di tempat yang bersesuaian. Mereka tidak harus mengadakan demostrasi di dalam mana-mana tempat beribadat, termasuk Masjid. Ini bukan amalan rakyat Malaysia.
Sebelum ini, beberapa pemimpin PKR juga turut terlibat dalam demostrasi semasa hari kedua Tahun Baru Cina dalam isu negara Mesir.
PKR harus berprihatin dan menghormati adat dan agama semua rakyat Malaysia.
Saya dengan ini mengesa agar kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat untuk:-
1. memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat Malaysia kenapa PKR mengadakan demostrasi di dalam sebuah Masjid pada hari ini; dan
2. memberi jaminan bahawa PKR akan menghormati adat & agama semua rakyat Malaysia serta undang-undang negara semasa mengadakan apa-apa demostrasi.
19 April, 2011

Saya merujuk kepada isu kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah menaikkan cukai tanah Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) dari RM100,000 setahun kepada RM1.2 juta setahun, iaitu 12 kali ganda.
Menurut Menteri Besar Kedah Dato Seri Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak, jumlah yang perlu dibayar oleh UUM sebanyak RM1.2 juta adalah mengikut perjanjian asal. Pembayaran RM100 ribu setahun bagi tahun 2006 hingga 2008 yang dibuat oleh UUM adalah selepas kerajaan negeri meluluskan permohonan rebat kepada mereka. Beliau berkata kenaikan cukai tanah UUM sebenarnya tidak berlaku. Apa yang terjadi ialah penarikan balik rebat cukai tanah selama dua tahun yang diberikan Kerajaan Negeri kepada UUM.
Kerajaan Negeri juga menawarkan diri untuk mengambil alih Universiti Utara Malaysia sekiranya pentadbirannya sekarang sudah tidak mampu mengurus kewangan universiti.
[ Sumber: Warta Kedah 19hb April, 2011 – ]
Pemuda Gerakan Kedah berasa kesal dengan penjelasan yang diberikan oleh kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah yang tidak ikhlas untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
Kerajaan negeri Kedah harus memahami bahawa UUM merupakan suatu institut pengajian tinggi yang bertujuan membina modal insan negara dan mengembangkan potensi golongan anak muda kita.
Pada hakikatnya, tindakan kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah membatalkan rebat cukai tanah (yang diberikan dahulu oleh kerajaan Kedah Barisan Nasional) sememangnya telah menaikkan jumlah cukai tanah yang perlu dibayar oleh UUM. Ini akan menjejaskan bajet UUM, yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk membantu pembangunan pelajar-pelajar UUM.
Saya juga berasa kesal bahawa kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah kini mencabar UUM menyerahkan pentadbirannya kepada kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah sekiranya UUM tidak mampu mengurus kewangannya. Kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah seharusnya menyelesaikan masalah yang ditimbulkannya dan bukannya mengeluarkan cabaran yang tidak bernas.
Isu ini dapat diselesaikan sekiranya kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah mengekalkan cukai tanah UUM pada kadar RM100 ribu. Saya berharap kerajaan PAS negeri Kedah akan berprihatin terhadap pembangunan pelajar-pelajar di UUM.
31 March, 2011
I refer to the statement by the Penang government today that it was willing to consider an alternative firm to carry out the state’s free WiFi initiative, but only if it accepted the conditions imposed on the current operating company.
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng explained that the only reason why the current operating company had been offered to carry out phase two of the project “without an open tender” was because it was the only company that had applied for and qualified for the award.
This was in response to criticism of Penang Pakatan Rakyat government in not holding open tender for the RM8.49 million Penang WiFi project.
[ Source: The Malaysian Insider 31st March, 2011 ]
Prior to this, I have stated that the refusal by Penang Pakatan Rakyat government to hold an open tender for the RM8.49 million Penang WiFi project was contrary to their election pledge, including their promises made in Pakatan Rakyat Common Policies Framework and their recently announced Orange Book. Such a move would create more precedent for Pakatan Rakyat to renege on their election pledge and to “arbitrarily” depart from policies assured to Malaysians.
With due respect to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng:-
1. the state’s decision to consider granting the WiFi project to other companies on same terms as those given to current operating company does not absolve Pakatan Rakyat from fulfilling their pledge to hold Open Tender for their state project. Penang Pakatan Rakyat should not self presume that the current offer is the best deal for the state. This should be confirmed transparently via Open Tender.
2. it is not for him or Pakatan Rakyat to also self presume that there is only one (1) company that interested and qualified for the state project. This should also be confirmed transparently via Open Tender.
As this matter involves promises made by Pakatan Rakyat in their Common Policies Framework and their recently announced Orange Book, it is pertinent now for Pakatan Rakyat’s de facto leader Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim to explain why no action are taken by him against Pakatan Rakyat states that refuse to adhere to their promises to hold Open Tender for all state projects.
Pakatan Rakyat should not practice double standards when comes to administering Open Tenders in their own states.
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng explained that the only reason why the current operating company had been offered to carry out phase two of the project “without an open tender” was because it was the only company that had applied for and qualified for the award.
This was in response to criticism of Penang Pakatan Rakyat government in not holding open tender for the RM8.49 million Penang WiFi project.
[ Source: The Malaysian Insider 31st March, 2011 ]
Prior to this, I have stated that the refusal by Penang Pakatan Rakyat government to hold an open tender for the RM8.49 million Penang WiFi project was contrary to their election pledge, including their promises made in Pakatan Rakyat Common Policies Framework and their recently announced Orange Book. Such a move would create more precedent for Pakatan Rakyat to renege on their election pledge and to “arbitrarily” depart from policies assured to Malaysians.
With due respect to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng:-
1. the state’s decision to consider granting the WiFi project to other companies on same terms as those given to current operating company does not absolve Pakatan Rakyat from fulfilling their pledge to hold Open Tender for their state project. Penang Pakatan Rakyat should not self presume that the current offer is the best deal for the state. This should be confirmed transparently via Open Tender.
2. it is not for him or Pakatan Rakyat to also self presume that there is only one (1) company that interested and qualified for the state project. This should also be confirmed transparently via Open Tender.
As this matter involves promises made by Pakatan Rakyat in their Common Policies Framework and their recently announced Orange Book, it is pertinent now for Pakatan Rakyat’s de facto leader Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim to explain why no action are taken by him against Pakatan Rakyat states that refuse to adhere to their promises to hold Open Tender for all state projects.
Pakatan Rakyat should not practice double standards when comes to administering Open Tenders in their own states.
28 March, 2011
Pakatan Rakyat Gagal Laksana Tender Terbuka Bagi SEMUA Projek Negeri Pakatan *** Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat & Buku Jingga Dipertikaikan ***
Saya merujuk kepada keputusan kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang untuk memberi kontrak RM8.5 juta bagi projek WiFi Pulau Pinang tanpa proses Tender Terbuka.
Pada pilihanraya umum lepas, Pakatan Rakyat (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Barisan Alternatif) telah berjanji akan melaksanakan Tender Terbuka bagi projek kerajaan.
Ini juga jelas termaktub dalam Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat yang diperkenalkan mereka pada akhir tahun 2009.
Baru-baru ini, Pakatan Rakyat juga telah menyatakan di dalam “Buku Jingga” bahawa Pakatan Rakyat akan meneruskan sistem Tender Terbuka.
Tetapi di sebalik janji-janji tersebut, Pakatan Rakyat telah gagal untuk memastikan Tender Terbuka diadakan bagi semua projek negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Pemberian kontrak RM8.5 juta bagi projek WiFi Pulau Pinang tanpa Tender Terbuka adalah bukti jelas bahawa Pakatan Rakyat tidak mengamalkan Tender Terbuka bagi SEMUA projek negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat. Ini bakal menjadi asas (“precedent”) bagi Pakatan Rakyat untuk tidak melaksanakan Tender Terbuka bagi projek negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat lain (Kedah, Selangor dan Kelantan).
Insiden ini juga merupakan suatu lagi contoh Pakatan Rakyat gagal untuk mengamalkan apa yang dijanjikan mereka kepada rakyat apabila diberi peluang di negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Justeru, saya menyeru agar ketua umum Pakatan Rakyat Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim memperjelaskan kepada rakyat Malaysia:-
1. kenapa sistem Tender Terbuka tidak diadakan untuk SEMUA projek negeri Pakatan Rakyat?
2. apakah tindakan yang akan diambil Pakatan Rakyat untuk memastikan sistem Tender Terbuka diadakan untuk SEMUA projek negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat?
Selaku ketua umum Pakatan Rakyat, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak harus lagi menutup mata apabila jelas negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat tidak memperdulikan janji-janji yang diberi Pakatan Rakyat kepada rakyat dalam “Buku Jingga” dan “Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat”.
Pada pilihanraya umum lepas, Pakatan Rakyat (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Barisan Alternatif) telah berjanji akan melaksanakan Tender Terbuka bagi projek kerajaan.
Ini juga jelas termaktub dalam Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat yang diperkenalkan mereka pada akhir tahun 2009.
Baru-baru ini, Pakatan Rakyat juga telah menyatakan di dalam “Buku Jingga” bahawa Pakatan Rakyat akan meneruskan sistem Tender Terbuka.
Tetapi di sebalik janji-janji tersebut, Pakatan Rakyat telah gagal untuk memastikan Tender Terbuka diadakan bagi semua projek negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Pemberian kontrak RM8.5 juta bagi projek WiFi Pulau Pinang tanpa Tender Terbuka adalah bukti jelas bahawa Pakatan Rakyat tidak mengamalkan Tender Terbuka bagi SEMUA projek negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat. Ini bakal menjadi asas (“precedent”) bagi Pakatan Rakyat untuk tidak melaksanakan Tender Terbuka bagi projek negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat lain (Kedah, Selangor dan Kelantan).
Insiden ini juga merupakan suatu lagi contoh Pakatan Rakyat gagal untuk mengamalkan apa yang dijanjikan mereka kepada rakyat apabila diberi peluang di negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Justeru, saya menyeru agar ketua umum Pakatan Rakyat Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim memperjelaskan kepada rakyat Malaysia:-
1. kenapa sistem Tender Terbuka tidak diadakan untuk SEMUA projek negeri Pakatan Rakyat?
2. apakah tindakan yang akan diambil Pakatan Rakyat untuk memastikan sistem Tender Terbuka diadakan untuk SEMUA projek negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat?
Selaku ketua umum Pakatan Rakyat, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak harus lagi menutup mata apabila jelas negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat tidak memperdulikan janji-janji yang diberi Pakatan Rakyat kepada rakyat dalam “Buku Jingga” dan “Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat”.
06 March, 2011
DAP should not be subservient to PAS just to appease their partnership in Pakatan Rakyat
I refer to the call by DAP Chairman YB Karpal Singh for Kelantan government to lift the ban on gambling in the state. The call was made after recent move by the PAS-led state government to ban the sale of lottery tickets in the state.
YB Karpal Singh said that gambling for non-Muslims was an individual’s prerogative and it is also not prohibited under federal law.
However, notwithstanding DAP’s call for the ban to be lifted, it was reported that the PAS-led state government had continued raiding premises that sells lottery tickets and will continue to do so in the future.
Prior to YB Karpal Singh statement, PAS Youth Chief Nasruddin Hassan Tantawi had also called for a total ban of gambling in Pakatan Rakyat led states and other parts in the country.
[ Source: The Star 6th March, 2011 ]
Though I fully agree with the DAP Chairman on this matter, I find it disturbing that PAS continue to impose PAS Islamic principles on non-Muslim in spite the protest from DAP. It only makes one wonder what are the actual policies and principles of Pakatan Rakyat.
Worse still, PAS Youth had gone further to suggest expansion of the ban in other Pakatan Rakyat states.
Instead of making mere rhetoric protest, DAP must ensure that the ban on gambling is “actually lifted” in Kelantan if they are sincere in their protest against it.DAP must also ensure that no other PAS Islamic policies are imposed upon non-Muslim in other Pakatan Rakyat states.
It is pertinent that DAP should not be subservient to PAS just to appease their partnership in Pakatan Rakyat. This is especially on matter relating to the interest of all Malaysians in Pakatan Rakyat states where the Menteri Besars are held by PAS.
If DAP chooses to remain in silent, it would produce more precedent for PAS and Pakatan Rakyat to continue to impose PAS Islamic principles on non-Muslim, even when it’s against their wishes.
Thus, I hope DAP would be sincere this time when protesting against PAS.
YB Karpal Singh said that gambling for non-Muslims was an individual’s prerogative and it is also not prohibited under federal law.
However, notwithstanding DAP’s call for the ban to be lifted, it was reported that the PAS-led state government had continued raiding premises that sells lottery tickets and will continue to do so in the future.
Prior to YB Karpal Singh statement, PAS Youth Chief Nasruddin Hassan Tantawi had also called for a total ban of gambling in Pakatan Rakyat led states and other parts in the country.
[ Source: The Star 6th March, 2011 ]
Though I fully agree with the DAP Chairman on this matter, I find it disturbing that PAS continue to impose PAS Islamic principles on non-Muslim in spite the protest from DAP. It only makes one wonder what are the actual policies and principles of Pakatan Rakyat.
Worse still, PAS Youth had gone further to suggest expansion of the ban in other Pakatan Rakyat states.
Instead of making mere rhetoric protest, DAP must ensure that the ban on gambling is “actually lifted” in Kelantan if they are sincere in their protest against it.DAP must also ensure that no other PAS Islamic policies are imposed upon non-Muslim in other Pakatan Rakyat states.
It is pertinent that DAP should not be subservient to PAS just to appease their partnership in Pakatan Rakyat. This is especially on matter relating to the interest of all Malaysians in Pakatan Rakyat states where the Menteri Besars are held by PAS.
If DAP chooses to remain in silent, it would produce more precedent for PAS and Pakatan Rakyat to continue to impose PAS Islamic principles on non-Muslim, even when it’s against their wishes.
Thus, I hope DAP would be sincere this time when protesting against PAS.
04 March, 2011
I refer to the recent move by Kelantan government to ban the sale of Big Sweep lottery tickets in the state.
Under existing regulations, only non-Muslim are allowed to purchase these Big Sweep lottery tickets.
The move by Kelantan government would clearly infringe the affairs of non-Muslim. This would be a precedent for further infringement of the rights of non-Muslims in Pakatan Rakyat states.
PAS must understand that Malaysia is a multi racial and religion country and it is wrong to impose PAS’s views on non-Muslim in Pakatan Rakyat states.
It is even more evident now that when opportunity arises, PAS will take drastic steps to impose their views on non-Muslim and Pakatan Rakyat would be silent on the matter.
It can also be seen in recent New Year eve celebration in Kedah, where the state under PAS attempted to separate women and men at the event, regardless of whether they are Muslim or otherwise.
To date, PAS has not even stipulate clearly what version of Islamic State that they intend to implement in Malaysia. Pakatan Rakyat has also refuse to guarantee Malaysians that they would not implement Hudud and convert Malaysia into PAS version of Islamic State, if they take over the country. This matter has not been expressly dealt in Pakatan Rakyat Common Policies Framework launched in December, 2009.
The ambiguity in the “actual” policies of Pakatan Rakyat would be a serious cause of concerns for Malaysians that wish to gamble the fate of our country with Pakatan Rakyat, which is aligned to PAS.
The recent move by PAS shows that it is probable that PAS may impose Hudud & PAS version of Islamic policies in Malaysia on non-Muslim when opportunity arises.
Thus, if Pakatan Rakyat is a transparent political party, Pakatan Rakyat must clarify clearly to Malaysians whether Pakatan Rakyat would allow PAS to implement Hudud and PAS version of Islamic policies in Malaysia if they take over the country.
Under existing regulations, only non-Muslim are allowed to purchase these Big Sweep lottery tickets.
The move by Kelantan government would clearly infringe the affairs of non-Muslim. This would be a precedent for further infringement of the rights of non-Muslims in Pakatan Rakyat states.
PAS must understand that Malaysia is a multi racial and religion country and it is wrong to impose PAS’s views on non-Muslim in Pakatan Rakyat states.
It is even more evident now that when opportunity arises, PAS will take drastic steps to impose their views on non-Muslim and Pakatan Rakyat would be silent on the matter.
It can also be seen in recent New Year eve celebration in Kedah, where the state under PAS attempted to separate women and men at the event, regardless of whether they are Muslim or otherwise.
To date, PAS has not even stipulate clearly what version of Islamic State that they intend to implement in Malaysia. Pakatan Rakyat has also refuse to guarantee Malaysians that they would not implement Hudud and convert Malaysia into PAS version of Islamic State, if they take over the country. This matter has not been expressly dealt in Pakatan Rakyat Common Policies Framework launched in December, 2009.
The ambiguity in the “actual” policies of Pakatan Rakyat would be a serious cause of concerns for Malaysians that wish to gamble the fate of our country with Pakatan Rakyat, which is aligned to PAS.
The recent move by PAS shows that it is probable that PAS may impose Hudud & PAS version of Islamic policies in Malaysia on non-Muslim when opportunity arises.
Thus, if Pakatan Rakyat is a transparent political party, Pakatan Rakyat must clarify clearly to Malaysians whether Pakatan Rakyat would allow PAS to implement Hudud and PAS version of Islamic policies in Malaysia if they take over the country.
02 March, 2011
Beri Alternatif Kepada Rakyat Kedah Untuk Bayar Komisyen Pejabat Pos - **** Kekalkan Perkhidmatan Pembayaran Bil Air Di Pejabat Pos ****
Saya merujuk kepada keputusan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah untuk menamatkan perkhidmatan pembayaran bil air di Pejabat Pos mulai 1 Mac, 2011.
Menurut Syarikat Air Darul Aman (SADA), pemberhentian perkhidmatan itu terpaksa dibuat kerana pembayaran komisyen kepada Pejabat Pos merugikan SADA. Kadar komisyen yang dikenakan oleh Pejabat Pos dahulunya adalah 70 sen satu bil dan ia akan dinaikkan ke 90 sen satu bil mulai 1 Mac, 2011.
Sebelum ini, semua komisyen tersebut dibayar oleh SADA dan dianggarkan hampir RM100,000 sebulan. SADA turut berkata ia akan membuka lebih banyak kaunter pembayaran di tempat-tempat tertentu untuk mengatasi masalah pembayaran.
[ Sumber: 1 Mac, 2011 ]
Pemuda Gerakan Kedah berasa kesal dengan tindakan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah untuk menamatkan perkhidmatan pembayaran bil air di Pejabat Pos. Tindakan ini bakal akan menyusahkan lebih daripda 100,000 rakyat Kedah yang sedang menggunakan perkhidmatan pembayaran di Pejabat Pos, terutamanya mereka yang berada di luar bandar.
Pakatan Rakyat tidak harus terlalu mementingkan keuntungan kepada SADA sehingga kepentingan rakyat Kedah diketepikan. Baru-baru ini, SADA juga telah menaikkan tariff air sehingga 100%, terutamanya ke atas pengguna air kecil di Kedah (iaitu golongan yang menggunakan kurang dari 8 m3).
Sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat tidak ingin menanggung komisyen Pejabat Pos, ia tidak seharusnya bermakna khidmat pembayaran bil air di Pejabat Pos perlu ditamatkan. Sebaliknya, Pakatan Rakyat harus memberi alternatif kepada rakyat untuk membayar komisyen 90 sen tersebut di Pejabat Pos bagi rakyat Kedah yang masih ingin menggunakan perkhidmatan tersebut di Pejabat Pos.
Pejabat Pos juga merupakan tempat pembayaran bagi pelbagai kemudahan lagi dan adalah suatu “One Stop Center” bagi rakyat yang memilih untuk tidak mengunjungi terlalu banyak tempat untuk membayar bil-bil tertentu. Pakatan Rakyat tidak harus menamatkan perkhidmatan pembayaran bil air yang telah dirancang dahulu oleh Barisan Nasional bagi kesenangan rakyat Kedah.
Oleh itu, saya berharap kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah akan mengkaji keputusan mereka untuk membatalkan khidmat pembayaran bil air di Pejabat Pos dan memberi alternatif kepada rakyat untuk membayar komisyen 90 sen tersebut bagi rakyat Kedah yang masih ingin menggunakan perkhidmatan tersebut di Pejabat Pos.
Menurut Syarikat Air Darul Aman (SADA), pemberhentian perkhidmatan itu terpaksa dibuat kerana pembayaran komisyen kepada Pejabat Pos merugikan SADA. Kadar komisyen yang dikenakan oleh Pejabat Pos dahulunya adalah 70 sen satu bil dan ia akan dinaikkan ke 90 sen satu bil mulai 1 Mac, 2011.
Sebelum ini, semua komisyen tersebut dibayar oleh SADA dan dianggarkan hampir RM100,000 sebulan. SADA turut berkata ia akan membuka lebih banyak kaunter pembayaran di tempat-tempat tertentu untuk mengatasi masalah pembayaran.
[ Sumber: 1 Mac, 2011 ]
Pemuda Gerakan Kedah berasa kesal dengan tindakan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah untuk menamatkan perkhidmatan pembayaran bil air di Pejabat Pos. Tindakan ini bakal akan menyusahkan lebih daripda 100,000 rakyat Kedah yang sedang menggunakan perkhidmatan pembayaran di Pejabat Pos, terutamanya mereka yang berada di luar bandar.
Pakatan Rakyat tidak harus terlalu mementingkan keuntungan kepada SADA sehingga kepentingan rakyat Kedah diketepikan. Baru-baru ini, SADA juga telah menaikkan tariff air sehingga 100%, terutamanya ke atas pengguna air kecil di Kedah (iaitu golongan yang menggunakan kurang dari 8 m3).
Sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat tidak ingin menanggung komisyen Pejabat Pos, ia tidak seharusnya bermakna khidmat pembayaran bil air di Pejabat Pos perlu ditamatkan. Sebaliknya, Pakatan Rakyat harus memberi alternatif kepada rakyat untuk membayar komisyen 90 sen tersebut di Pejabat Pos bagi rakyat Kedah yang masih ingin menggunakan perkhidmatan tersebut di Pejabat Pos.
Pejabat Pos juga merupakan tempat pembayaran bagi pelbagai kemudahan lagi dan adalah suatu “One Stop Center” bagi rakyat yang memilih untuk tidak mengunjungi terlalu banyak tempat untuk membayar bil-bil tertentu. Pakatan Rakyat tidak harus menamatkan perkhidmatan pembayaran bil air yang telah dirancang dahulu oleh Barisan Nasional bagi kesenangan rakyat Kedah.
Oleh itu, saya berharap kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah akan mengkaji keputusan mereka untuk membatalkan khidmat pembayaran bil air di Pejabat Pos dan memberi alternatif kepada rakyat untuk membayar komisyen 90 sen tersebut bagi rakyat Kedah yang masih ingin menggunakan perkhidmatan tersebut di Pejabat Pos.
01 March, 2011
Pakatan Rakyat Gagal Umum Hasil Kempen 1 Juta Tandatangan - ** Jelas Rakyat Berminat Pencapaian & Bukannya Janji Politik **
Saya merujuk kepada kempen Pakatan Rakyat untuk mengumpul satu juta tandatangan untuk Akta Pemulihan Demokrasi yang akan diserahkan kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Dalam konvensyen Pakatan Rakyat keduanya di Kepala Batas pada akhir bulan Disember, 2010, Pakatan Rakyat telah mengumumkan bahawa kempen tersebut akan diadakan pada 1 Januari sehingga akhir Februari tahun ini untuk mengumpul tandatangan tersebut.
Antara objektif kempen tersebut adalah untuk:-
1. mengembalikan pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan; dan
2. mewujudkan kebebasan akhbar.
Sehingga hari ini, Pakatan Rakyat masih gagal untuk mengumumkan hasil kempen mereka.
Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa majoriti rakyat tidak lagi berminat dengan janji-janji berunsur politik. Sebaliknya, rakyat kini lebih memberi tumpuan kepada pencapaian sebenar yang dilaksanakan oleh parti politik yang telah memerintah negara ataupun negeri.
Sejak pilihanraya umum 2008, Pakatan Rakyat masih tidak menunaikan janji mereka untuk mengadakan pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan sungguhpun mereka telah memerintah 4 buah negeri di Malaysia hampir 3 tahun.
Sebaliknya, Pakatan Rakyat juga telah menyekat kebebasan media semasa sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedah pada 2010. Baru-baru ini, kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang juga telah bercadang untuk mengambil tindakan mahkamah terhadap kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh salah satu Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri pembangkang mereka.
Oleh itu, saya menyeru agar Pakatan Rakyat:-
(a) mengambil langkah sewajarnya untuk menunaikan semua janji-janji mereka kepada rakyat di negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat, terutamanya yang melibatkan isu DEMOKRASI, KEBEBASAN MEDIA dan KEBEBASAN RAKYAT UNTUK BERSUARA; dan
(b) tidak lagi membuat apa-apa janji baru kepada rakyat sehingga semua janji-janji lama mereka ditunaikan.
Dalam konvensyen Pakatan Rakyat keduanya di Kepala Batas pada akhir bulan Disember, 2010, Pakatan Rakyat telah mengumumkan bahawa kempen tersebut akan diadakan pada 1 Januari sehingga akhir Februari tahun ini untuk mengumpul tandatangan tersebut.
Antara objektif kempen tersebut adalah untuk:-
1. mengembalikan pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan; dan
2. mewujudkan kebebasan akhbar.
Sehingga hari ini, Pakatan Rakyat masih gagal untuk mengumumkan hasil kempen mereka.
Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa majoriti rakyat tidak lagi berminat dengan janji-janji berunsur politik. Sebaliknya, rakyat kini lebih memberi tumpuan kepada pencapaian sebenar yang dilaksanakan oleh parti politik yang telah memerintah negara ataupun negeri.
Sejak pilihanraya umum 2008, Pakatan Rakyat masih tidak menunaikan janji mereka untuk mengadakan pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan sungguhpun mereka telah memerintah 4 buah negeri di Malaysia hampir 3 tahun.
Sebaliknya, Pakatan Rakyat juga telah menyekat kebebasan media semasa sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedah pada 2010. Baru-baru ini, kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang juga telah bercadang untuk mengambil tindakan mahkamah terhadap kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh salah satu Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri pembangkang mereka.
Oleh itu, saya menyeru agar Pakatan Rakyat:-
(a) mengambil langkah sewajarnya untuk menunaikan semua janji-janji mereka kepada rakyat di negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat, terutamanya yang melibatkan isu DEMOKRASI, KEBEBASAN MEDIA dan KEBEBASAN RAKYAT UNTUK BERSUARA; dan
(b) tidak lagi membuat apa-apa janji baru kepada rakyat sehingga semua janji-janji lama mereka ditunaikan.
22 February, 2011
I refer to the news report that the Registrar of Societies (ROS) had proposed to limit the numbers of political parties to the existing 33 parties in the country.
ROS’s Registrar Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman had announced on Sunday that the freeze on new applications was necessary to reduce politicking and to ensure political stability.
With due respect to the ROS’s Registrar, freezing new applications to form political parties & maintaining political parties to the existing 33 parties in country are not the right way to reduce politicking and maintaining our country’s political stability.
On the contrary, such move is against the fundamental principal of democracy in a democratic country like Malaysia.
The people’s choice and freedom of association as enshrined in our Federal Constitution should not be limited to just 33 political parties.
I do not see how the existence of more than 33 political parties would be a national threat to our country and the people. Thus, this should not be a reason for ROS to freeze the application to form new political parties.
ROS must understand that the numbers of political parties in our country would depend on the demand of the people. If the political party is irrelevant to our current political landscape, it would “close shop” as a matter of time and the numbers of political parties would naturally be reduced.
It is healthier and more democratic to allow the formation of any new political party and to let it die by “natural death” if it is irrelevant to the country’s political landscape.
Excessive control on the numbers of political parties would only result in the existence of illegal political parties if our country political landscape requires them. This would then lead to other problems for ROS to monitor them.
Thus, I hope that the government would re-study the proposal by ROS to limit the numbers of political parties to the existing 33 parties in the country. It would be best to reject ROS’s proposal.
ROS’s Registrar Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman had announced on Sunday that the freeze on new applications was necessary to reduce politicking and to ensure political stability.
With due respect to the ROS’s Registrar, freezing new applications to form political parties & maintaining political parties to the existing 33 parties in country are not the right way to reduce politicking and maintaining our country’s political stability.
On the contrary, such move is against the fundamental principal of democracy in a democratic country like Malaysia.
The people’s choice and freedom of association as enshrined in our Federal Constitution should not be limited to just 33 political parties.
I do not see how the existence of more than 33 political parties would be a national threat to our country and the people. Thus, this should not be a reason for ROS to freeze the application to form new political parties.
ROS must understand that the numbers of political parties in our country would depend on the demand of the people. If the political party is irrelevant to our current political landscape, it would “close shop” as a matter of time and the numbers of political parties would naturally be reduced.
It is healthier and more democratic to allow the formation of any new political party and to let it die by “natural death” if it is irrelevant to the country’s political landscape.
Excessive control on the numbers of political parties would only result in the existence of illegal political parties if our country political landscape requires them. This would then lead to other problems for ROS to monitor them.
Thus, I hope that the government would re-study the proposal by ROS to limit the numbers of political parties to the existing 33 parties in the country. It would be best to reject ROS’s proposal.
21 February, 2011
I refer to the news report that PAS Youth Chief Nasrudin Hassan stated that he will be having a dialogue on 24th February, 2001 with (Kedah) Gerakan Youth in Shah Alam on the implementation of hudud (Islamic criminal) law.
[ Source: The Star 20th February, 2011 ]
I would like to clarify that:-
1. the dialogue arise from the earlier invitation from PAS Youth to explain Hudud Laws to me prior to the celebration of Hari Raya (as highlighted in media including PAS owned Harakah);
2. via my private conversation in Twitter with PAS Youth Chief recently, it has been agreed that the dialogue would be held in Kuala Lumpur on 24th February, 2011 between both of us only (not in Shah Alam);
3. the dialogue would enable Ustaz Nasrudin to explain their version of Hudud Laws that PAS & Pakatan Rakyat intend to implement in Malaysia while I would explain why I am against such laws in Malaysia;
4. my acceptance to meet PAS Youth did not mean that I am agreeable towards such implementation of Hudud Laws in Malaysia;
5. I am willing to meet PAS Youth Chief as I want to listen to their explanation of how PAS intend to implement Hudud Laws if Pakatan Rakyat takeover the country in the next general election. Moreover, PAS has now dominated the state administration of Kedah and Kelantan;
6. To date, Pakatan Rakyat has also refused to openly reject the implementation of Hudud Laws if they win the next general election; and
7. the dialogue with PAS Youth Chief would also give me the opportunity to explain to PAS why Hudud Laws are not suitable for our multiracial & religion country. I believe the people could no longer just rely on DAP to oppose Hudud Laws after their partnership with PAS and the refusal of Pakatan Rakyat to openly reject implementation of Hudud Laws.
I will issue a statement on the outcome of my dialogue with Ustaz Nasrudin at a later stage.
[ Source: The Star 20th February, 2011 ]
I would like to clarify that:-
1. the dialogue arise from the earlier invitation from PAS Youth to explain Hudud Laws to me prior to the celebration of Hari Raya (as highlighted in media including PAS owned Harakah);
2. via my private conversation in Twitter with PAS Youth Chief recently, it has been agreed that the dialogue would be held in Kuala Lumpur on 24th February, 2011 between both of us only (not in Shah Alam);
3. the dialogue would enable Ustaz Nasrudin to explain their version of Hudud Laws that PAS & Pakatan Rakyat intend to implement in Malaysia while I would explain why I am against such laws in Malaysia;
4. my acceptance to meet PAS Youth did not mean that I am agreeable towards such implementation of Hudud Laws in Malaysia;
5. I am willing to meet PAS Youth Chief as I want to listen to their explanation of how PAS intend to implement Hudud Laws if Pakatan Rakyat takeover the country in the next general election. Moreover, PAS has now dominated the state administration of Kedah and Kelantan;
6. To date, Pakatan Rakyat has also refused to openly reject the implementation of Hudud Laws if they win the next general election; and
7. the dialogue with PAS Youth Chief would also give me the opportunity to explain to PAS why Hudud Laws are not suitable for our multiracial & religion country. I believe the people could no longer just rely on DAP to oppose Hudud Laws after their partnership with PAS and the refusal of Pakatan Rakyat to openly reject implementation of Hudud Laws.
I will issue a statement on the outcome of my dialogue with Ustaz Nasrudin at a later stage.
16 February, 2011
Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan semalam Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang YB Lim Guan Eng bahawa kerajaan Pulau Pinang bercadang mengambil tindakan menyaman fitnah Ahli Dewan Undangan Negari Pulau Bentong YB Muhamad Farid Saad.
Ini adalah berikutan laporan di dalam media yang meyiarkan kenyataan & kritikan Adun Pulau Bentong tersebut terhadap kerajaan Pulau Pinang Pakatan Rakyat.
Saya setuju bahawa dari segi undang-undang, kerajaan Pulau Pinang termasuk negeri-negeri lain di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat mempunyai hak untuk menyaman fitnah mana-mana RAKYAT, termasuk pihak pembangkang negeri.
Tetapi tindakan sedemikian adalah tidak wajar jika dilihat dari segi prinsip demokrasi dan kebebasan bersuara.
Pada pilihanraya 2008, Pakatan Rakyat telah berjanji akan menegakkan demokrasi dan hak RAKYAT untuk bersuara. Ini juga telah dimaktubkan di dalam Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat yang dilancarkan mereka pada akhir tahun 2009.
Di dalam sebuah pentadbiran yang menghormati demokrasi dan hak RAKYAT (termasuk pembangkang) untuk bersuara, kerajaan tersebut tidak harus mengambil tindakan keras untuk menghukum pengkritik pentadbiran tersebut. Ini akan mengugat apa-apa hasrat RAKYAT, termasuk pihak pembangkang, untuk bersuara dan mengkritik kelemahan sesebuah kerajaan (sekiranya ada).
Pada tahun lepas, kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Kedah juga telah mengambil tindakan menyekat kebebasan media semasa sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedah. Ini berikutan kritikan dan kenyataan pelbagai pihak terhadap tindakan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Kedah semasa banjir yang melanda negeri tersebut.
Sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat masih berhasrat menunaikan janjinya untuk menegakkan demokrasi dan kebebasan RAKYAT, termasuk pembangkangnya untuk bersuara, Pakatan Rakyat harus meneliti dan mengkaji semula tindakan-tindakan pentadbiran kerajaan negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Saya menyeru supaya kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat, terutamanya pemimpin umumnya Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengambil tindakan drastik dan sewajarnya untuk mempertahankan demokrasi dan hak RAKYAT untuk bersuara, termasuk pihak pembangkang di semua negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Ini termasuk merombak kepimpinan negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat sekiranya perlu untuk kepentingan RAKYAT dan mempertahankan DEMOKRASI.
Ini adalah berikutan laporan di dalam media yang meyiarkan kenyataan & kritikan Adun Pulau Bentong tersebut terhadap kerajaan Pulau Pinang Pakatan Rakyat.
Saya setuju bahawa dari segi undang-undang, kerajaan Pulau Pinang termasuk negeri-negeri lain di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat mempunyai hak untuk menyaman fitnah mana-mana RAKYAT, termasuk pihak pembangkang negeri.
Tetapi tindakan sedemikian adalah tidak wajar jika dilihat dari segi prinsip demokrasi dan kebebasan bersuara.
Pada pilihanraya 2008, Pakatan Rakyat telah berjanji akan menegakkan demokrasi dan hak RAKYAT untuk bersuara. Ini juga telah dimaktubkan di dalam Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat yang dilancarkan mereka pada akhir tahun 2009.
Di dalam sebuah pentadbiran yang menghormati demokrasi dan hak RAKYAT (termasuk pembangkang) untuk bersuara, kerajaan tersebut tidak harus mengambil tindakan keras untuk menghukum pengkritik pentadbiran tersebut. Ini akan mengugat apa-apa hasrat RAKYAT, termasuk pihak pembangkang, untuk bersuara dan mengkritik kelemahan sesebuah kerajaan (sekiranya ada).
Pada tahun lepas, kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Kedah juga telah mengambil tindakan menyekat kebebasan media semasa sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedah. Ini berikutan kritikan dan kenyataan pelbagai pihak terhadap tindakan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Kedah semasa banjir yang melanda negeri tersebut.
Sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat masih berhasrat menunaikan janjinya untuk menegakkan demokrasi dan kebebasan RAKYAT, termasuk pembangkangnya untuk bersuara, Pakatan Rakyat harus meneliti dan mengkaji semula tindakan-tindakan pentadbiran kerajaan negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Saya menyeru supaya kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat, terutamanya pemimpin umumnya Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengambil tindakan drastik dan sewajarnya untuk mempertahankan demokrasi dan hak RAKYAT untuk bersuara, termasuk pihak pembangkang di semua negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat.
Ini termasuk merombak kepimpinan negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat sekiranya perlu untuk kepentingan RAKYAT dan mempertahankan DEMOKRASI.
09 February, 2011
PAS Should Mind Their Own Business During Valentine’s Day
I refer to the news report that quote PAS Youth Chief Nasrudin Hassan stating that Pakatan Rakyat states, including Kedah, Penang, Selangor and Kelantan are planning a crackdown on "immoral acts" during Valentine's Day as part of a campaign to encourage a sin-free lifestyle.
It was also reported that Nasrudin said PAS Youth was also launching a campaign to promote a sin-free lifestyle during the period.
[ Source: AFP - 9th February, 2011 ]
I regret the statement by PAS Youth Chief that implied Valentine’s Day would be filled with sinful activities and immoral acts.
This is clearly a blatant insult to those who celebrate Valentine’s Day in Malaysia. It would indirectly cast doubt over the morality of all those who will celebrate Valentine’s Day.
PAS Youth must understand the nature of Valentine’s Day with an open mind and do not interpret the celebration with their “narrow mind”.
Malaysia, a multiracial and religion country, has long been a moderate country and free of extremism.
This latest statement by PAS clearly signify more efforts by PAS (with the support of their partners in Pakatan Rakyat) to create their extreme version of Islamic State in Malaysia.
These extreme idealogies of PAS are clearly not acceptable to most people in Malaysia.
I would advice PAS, in particular their youth section, to “mind their own business” during the celebration of Valentine’s Day.
PAS must learn to understand the culture of all Malaysians, comprising of various race and religion.
Thus, I urge Pakatan Rakyat to immediately redraw any plans to undermine the celebration of Valentine’s Day in Pakatan Rakyat states and not to prejudge the morality of those who will celebrate Valentine’s Day.
It was also reported that Nasrudin said PAS Youth was also launching a campaign to promote a sin-free lifestyle during the period.
[ Source: AFP - 9th February, 2011 ]
I regret the statement by PAS Youth Chief that implied Valentine’s Day would be filled with sinful activities and immoral acts.
This is clearly a blatant insult to those who celebrate Valentine’s Day in Malaysia. It would indirectly cast doubt over the morality of all those who will celebrate Valentine’s Day.
PAS Youth must understand the nature of Valentine’s Day with an open mind and do not interpret the celebration with their “narrow mind”.
Malaysia, a multiracial and religion country, has long been a moderate country and free of extremism.
This latest statement by PAS clearly signify more efforts by PAS (with the support of their partners in Pakatan Rakyat) to create their extreme version of Islamic State in Malaysia.
These extreme idealogies of PAS are clearly not acceptable to most people in Malaysia.
I would advice PAS, in particular their youth section, to “mind their own business” during the celebration of Valentine’s Day.
PAS must learn to understand the culture of all Malaysians, comprising of various race and religion.
Thus, I urge Pakatan Rakyat to immediately redraw any plans to undermine the celebration of Valentine’s Day in Pakatan Rakyat states and not to prejudge the morality of those who will celebrate Valentine’s Day.
07 February, 2011
Negeri PR Tidak Harus Boros Duit RAKYAT Untuk Biayai Kos Guaman Peribadi Adun PR
Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Pejabat Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim bahawa kerajaan Selangor akan memberi sokongan kepada ADUN Sri Muda Suhaimi Shafiei dan membiayai kos guaman kesnya bagi tuduhan di bawah Akta Hasutan berhubung suatu catatan di dalam blognya.
Di dalam kenyataan tersebut, kerajaan Selangor juga percaya bahawa Adun Sri Muda tersebut tidak mempunyai sebarang niat untuk memburukkan institusi Raja-raja Melayu.
[ Sumber: Bernama 4 Februari, 2011 ]
Walaupun Adun Sri Muda tersebut merupakan ahli PKR, ini tidak memberi hak kepada mana-mana negeri yang ditadbir oleh Pakatan Rakyat untuk menggunakan duit RAKYAT untuk membiayai kos guaman bagi apa-apa kes peribadi ahli Pakatan Rakyat.
Kos guaman tidak harus ditanggung oleh RAKYAT dalam negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat berdasarkan kepentingan politik Pakatan Rakyat. Lebih-lebih lagi ia melibatkan suatu kes yang didakwa berdasarkan tindakan peribadi seseorang, dan bukannya kes yang didakwa melibatkan tindakan rasmi kerajaan negeri.
Kerajaan Selangor Pakatan Rakyat juga tidak harus mengambil tindakan untuk mengambil alih fungsi badan kehakiman negara dalam apa-apa kes atau mengeluarkan kenyataan yang bertujuan memberi kesan terhadap kes mahkamah (“subjudis”). Ini terutamanya bagi kes-kes yang melibatan ahli-ahli Pakatan Rakyat, di mana Pakatan Rakyat mempunyai kepentingan politik tertentu.
Ini bakal menjadi suatu amalan buruk (“Bad Precedent”) bagi negeri-negeri di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat, termasuk Kedah, Kelantan dan Pulau Pinang.
Sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat ingin membantu Adun Sri Muda, saya cadangkan agar Pakatan Rakyat membiayai kos guamannya dengan duit dan sumber Pakatan Rakyat. Jangan libatkan duit RAKYAT.
Saya berharap kerajaan negeri Selangor di bawah Pakatan Rakyat akan menarik balik hasrat mereka untuk menggunakan duit RAKYAT Selangor untuk membiayai kes guaman Adun Sri Muda supaya tidak mempengaruhi negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat lain dengan amalan buruk tersebut (“Bad Precedent”).
Di dalam kenyataan tersebut, kerajaan Selangor juga percaya bahawa Adun Sri Muda tersebut tidak mempunyai sebarang niat untuk memburukkan institusi Raja-raja Melayu.
[ Sumber: Bernama 4 Februari, 2011 ]
Walaupun Adun Sri Muda tersebut merupakan ahli PKR, ini tidak memberi hak kepada mana-mana negeri yang ditadbir oleh Pakatan Rakyat untuk menggunakan duit RAKYAT untuk membiayai kos guaman bagi apa-apa kes peribadi ahli Pakatan Rakyat.
Kos guaman tidak harus ditanggung oleh RAKYAT dalam negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat berdasarkan kepentingan politik Pakatan Rakyat. Lebih-lebih lagi ia melibatkan suatu kes yang didakwa berdasarkan tindakan peribadi seseorang, dan bukannya kes yang didakwa melibatkan tindakan rasmi kerajaan negeri.
Kerajaan Selangor Pakatan Rakyat juga tidak harus mengambil tindakan untuk mengambil alih fungsi badan kehakiman negara dalam apa-apa kes atau mengeluarkan kenyataan yang bertujuan memberi kesan terhadap kes mahkamah (“subjudis”). Ini terutamanya bagi kes-kes yang melibatan ahli-ahli Pakatan Rakyat, di mana Pakatan Rakyat mempunyai kepentingan politik tertentu.
Ini bakal menjadi suatu amalan buruk (“Bad Precedent”) bagi negeri-negeri di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat, termasuk Kedah, Kelantan dan Pulau Pinang.
Sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat ingin membantu Adun Sri Muda, saya cadangkan agar Pakatan Rakyat membiayai kos guamannya dengan duit dan sumber Pakatan Rakyat. Jangan libatkan duit RAKYAT.
Saya berharap kerajaan negeri Selangor di bawah Pakatan Rakyat akan menarik balik hasrat mereka untuk menggunakan duit RAKYAT Selangor untuk membiayai kes guaman Adun Sri Muda supaya tidak mempengaruhi negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat lain dengan amalan buruk tersebut (“Bad Precedent”).
04 February, 2011


Saya merujuk kepada tindakan beberapa pemimpin dan ahli PAS dan PKR yang telah berdemonstrasi di kedutaan Mesir hari ini, iaitu hari kedua perayaan Tahun Baru Cina.
Sepertimana yang diketahui, perayaan Tahun Baru Cina merupakan salah satu perayaan utama kaum Cina di negara kita. Ia juga dihayati bersama oleh semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum dan agama.
Pemuda Gerakan Kedah berasa kesal terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin dan ahli-ahli PAS dan PKR yang telah berdemonstrasi pada hari ini, iaitu hari kedua perayaan Tahun Baru Cina.
Ini merupakan suatu tindakan biadap dan tidak menghormati perayaan Tahun Baru Cina di Malaysia.
Hari kedua Tahun Baru Cina juga merupakan suatu cuti umum bagi semua rakyat Malaysia. Tindakan PAS dan PKR tersebut telah membebankan kakitangan awam seperti pihak polis yang terpaksa bekerja lebih masa.
Di Malaysia, rakyat tanpa mengira kaum dan agama menziarahi saudara-mara serta kawan-kawan mereka pada dua hari yang pertama Tahun Baru Cina. Ini termasuk menghadiri rumah terbuka perayaaan Tahun Baru Cina yang dianjurkan oleh pelbagai pihak
PAS dan PKR harus berprihatin dan menghormati adat semua rakyat Malaysia, termasuk perayaan Tahun Baru Cina.
Saya mendesak kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat, termasuk Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk memberi penjelasan kenapa PAS dan PKR memilih hari kedua Tahun Baru Cina untuk berdemonstrasi di depan kedutaan Mesir.
21 January, 2011
Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Naib Pengerusi DAP M.Kulasegaran yang menyeru agar Hari Thaipusam dijadikan cuti umum.
Sebelum pilihanraya umum pada tahun 2008, Pakatan Rakyat telah mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian malah mereka juga telah memberi janji-janji agar Hari Thaipusam dijadikan cuti umum, termasuk negeri Kedah.
Saya memang setuju bahawa Hari Thaipusam disambut bersama oleh rakyat Malaysia dan harus dijadikan cuti. Ketika saya berada di Sungai Petani semalam, saya telah melihat bagaimana Hari Thaipusam disambut oleh semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum dan agama.
Lebih meriah lagi, Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak telah bersama lebih daripada 10,000 orang Kedah di Sungai Petani untuk menyambut Hari Thaipusam.
Malangnya, selepas Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Kedah selama hampir 3 tahun, Pakatan Rakyat telah enggan mengistiharkan Hari Thaipusam sebagai cuti umum bagi negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat seperti Kedah dan Kelantan.
Sebelum ini, kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah menjadikan Hari Thaipusam sebagai cuti umum di negeri Pulau Pinang dan Selangor.
Sungguhpun Kedah dan Kelantan adalah dikuasai majoriti oleh PAS, ini bukanlah suatu alasan munasabah bagi Pakatan Rakyat untuk mengengkari janji mereka untuk menjadikan Hari Thaipusam sebagai cuti umum.
Pakatan Rakyat tidak boleh lagi mengeluarkan kenyataan yang hanya berbentuk rhetorik. Sebaliknya, mereka harus melaksanakan dasar-dasar mereka di negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat, yang dikuasai mereka.
Sekira DAP ikhlas dalam hal ini, saya berharap DAP akan memastikan agar Pakatan Rakyat akan menunaikan janji dan mengistiharkan Hari Thaipusam sebagai cuti umum di semua negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat, termasuk Kedah dan Kelantan.
Sebelum pilihanraya umum pada tahun 2008, Pakatan Rakyat telah mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian malah mereka juga telah memberi janji-janji agar Hari Thaipusam dijadikan cuti umum, termasuk negeri Kedah.
Saya memang setuju bahawa Hari Thaipusam disambut bersama oleh rakyat Malaysia dan harus dijadikan cuti. Ketika saya berada di Sungai Petani semalam, saya telah melihat bagaimana Hari Thaipusam disambut oleh semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum dan agama.
Lebih meriah lagi, Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak telah bersama lebih daripada 10,000 orang Kedah di Sungai Petani untuk menyambut Hari Thaipusam.
Malangnya, selepas Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Kedah selama hampir 3 tahun, Pakatan Rakyat telah enggan mengistiharkan Hari Thaipusam sebagai cuti umum bagi negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat seperti Kedah dan Kelantan.
Sebelum ini, kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah menjadikan Hari Thaipusam sebagai cuti umum di negeri Pulau Pinang dan Selangor.
Sungguhpun Kedah dan Kelantan adalah dikuasai majoriti oleh PAS, ini bukanlah suatu alasan munasabah bagi Pakatan Rakyat untuk mengengkari janji mereka untuk menjadikan Hari Thaipusam sebagai cuti umum.
Pakatan Rakyat tidak boleh lagi mengeluarkan kenyataan yang hanya berbentuk rhetorik. Sebaliknya, mereka harus melaksanakan dasar-dasar mereka di negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat, yang dikuasai mereka.
Sekira DAP ikhlas dalam hal ini, saya berharap DAP akan memastikan agar Pakatan Rakyat akan menunaikan janji dan mengistiharkan Hari Thaipusam sebagai cuti umum di semua negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat, termasuk Kedah dan Kelantan.
13 January, 2011

I refer to the recent invitation by Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim to our Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak to debate on the proposed 100 days economic reforms plans by Pakatan Rakyat.
It is utmost suprising that Pakatan Rakyat’s de facto leader would have the audacity to invite our Prime Minister to debate on new promises of Pakatan Rakyat when they have failed to fulfill all their pledge in the last general election. This includes matters pledge in Pakatan Rakyat’s Common Policies Framework announced in December, 2009.
Pakatan Rakyat should have concentrated in implementing Pakatan Rakyat’s policies and fulfilling their election pledge in Pakatan Rakyat’s states i.e. Kedah, Penang, Selangor and Kelantan.
To date, Pakatan Rakyat had failed to deliver all their pledge to Malaysians in Pakatan Rakyat states. In the last 2 years, Malaysians have witnessed Pakatan Rakyat states:-
1. curtailing Press Freedom;
2. increase Housing Bumi Quota from 30% to as high 70%;
3. increase Water Tariff to as high 100%; and
4. refuse to implement local government elections.
Instead of fulfilling past promises, Pakatan Rakyat now makes new promises to Malaysians in order to capture their votes in the next general elections. Worse still, Pakatan Rakyat’s de facto leader now want to debate on their so called “new reform promises” with our Prime Minister.
If Pakatan Rakyat is sincere in any of their promises, I would advice them to implement any of their so called reform in their Pakatan Rakyat states. Most of the pledge (though not all) can be implemented first in Pakatan Rakyat states. There are no reasons for the refusal of Pakatan Rakyat to help Malaysians at this time in Pakatan Rakyat states.
Pakatan Rakyat’s de facto leader should be reminded that a government’s performance is not measured by any debate. Instead, it is based on sincerity and actual implementation of their policies.
I do not see how the proposed debate by Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim would benefit Malaysians. On the contrary, it would only waste the time of our Prime Minister and other Malaysians.
Thus, I hope Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim would ensure the actual implementation of all Pakatan Rakyat’s policies and promises to Malaysians in Pakatan Rakyat states instead of indulging into futile debate to waste the time of the people.
10 January, 2011
I refer to the news today (The Star) where Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, PAS President reiterated PAS commitment to uphold its Islamic state agenda.
He also says that when PAS make promises, they do not merely provide lip service.
He also says that PAS will not compromise on its principles and will not bow to pressure from any quarter, including its Pakatan Rakyat partners.
This was in response to the calls of certain quarters in Pakatan Rakyat for PAS to review its aim to pursue its Islamic state agenda in view of the next general election.
Previously, it was also reported (The Malaysian Insider) that Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang stated PAS’s intention to proceed with the implementation of Hudud laws in Kelantan and Kedah.
While I respect Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang for being honest and sincere in stating clearly their political ambition and objectives, being to create Islamic states, the same I could not say for his remaining partner’s Pakatan Rakyat.
This is the strongest statement by PAS on the matter since last general election in 2008.
I am extremely concern over the latest statement by PAS’s President especially the implication on states where PAS dominates the administration, such as Kelantan & Kedah. Besides sending “shivers” to all Malaysians in these states, the latest message by PAS would certainly effect the perception of investors towards these states.
It is clear that DAP and PKR had been unable to persuade PAS to abandon their quest to create Islamic states, notwithstanding that Malaysia is a multi race & religion country.
To date, Pakatan Rakyat has also refused to provide a clear stance on the creation of Islamic states. Would Pakatan Rakyat only reveal their true intention to Malaysian after capturing Putrajaya?
Thus, if Pakatan Rakyat is transparent, Pakatan Rakyat leaders, especially its de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should immediately state it out clearly that Pakatan Rakyat would object to the creation of Islamic states, including the implementation of Hudud laws.
Anything less than a clear statement would only show that all the rhetoric talks and policies by Pakatan Rakyat leaders are merely to fish for votes and to abandon their principles once capturing Putrajaya (if they ever to succeed).
I hope that Pakatan Rakyat would not “hoodwink” Malaysians on the issue of Hudud & Islamic state.
News from The Star on 10th January, 2010 (
PAS won’t bow to pressure from any quarter, says Hadi
KUALA LUMPUR: PAS will uphold its Islamic state agenda and will not bow to pressure from any quarter, including its Pakatan Rakyat partners.
Expressing shock over DAP chairman Karpal Singh’s call to compel PAS to review its stand over the Islamic state issue, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said the party would not compromise on its principles.
“We will bow to no one,” he said when launching Sua Kasih logo and H13 Squad to promote the spirit of brotherhood among various races and religions here yesterday.
Hadi was responding to Karpal’s call to Pakatan to tackle the issue of PAS pursuing its Islamic state agenda in view of the next general election.
Karpal had made the call during the second Pakatan convention in Kepala Batas recently.
Karpal had said that PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, PAS spiritual leader Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Hadi and DAP leaders should confront the issue and frankly consider the required solution.
Hadi said PAS could tolerate and be patient with DAP.
“We have extended co-operation to DAP although in the past, Karpal was adamant that Islamic state could only be implemented over his dead body.
“Our Mursyidul Am had retorted to Karpal’s comment that drew flak from many quarters,” he said, adding that PAS would still uphold its promises.
“When we make promises, we do not merely provide lip service. As Muslims, we will stand by promises made to non-Muslims,” he said.
Hadi said PAS was pursuing an Islamic state to create a system to ensure truth, justice and the protection of rights for everyone.
“Through Islamic governance, we will break all the walls that divide us,” he said, adding that the Western system subscribed to such barriers that divided a nation.
He also says that when PAS make promises, they do not merely provide lip service.
He also says that PAS will not compromise on its principles and will not bow to pressure from any quarter, including its Pakatan Rakyat partners.
This was in response to the calls of certain quarters in Pakatan Rakyat for PAS to review its aim to pursue its Islamic state agenda in view of the next general election.
Previously, it was also reported (The Malaysian Insider) that Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang stated PAS’s intention to proceed with the implementation of Hudud laws in Kelantan and Kedah.
While I respect Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang for being honest and sincere in stating clearly their political ambition and objectives, being to create Islamic states, the same I could not say for his remaining partner’s Pakatan Rakyat.
This is the strongest statement by PAS on the matter since last general election in 2008.
I am extremely concern over the latest statement by PAS’s President especially the implication on states where PAS dominates the administration, such as Kelantan & Kedah. Besides sending “shivers” to all Malaysians in these states, the latest message by PAS would certainly effect the perception of investors towards these states.
It is clear that DAP and PKR had been unable to persuade PAS to abandon their quest to create Islamic states, notwithstanding that Malaysia is a multi race & religion country.
To date, Pakatan Rakyat has also refused to provide a clear stance on the creation of Islamic states. Would Pakatan Rakyat only reveal their true intention to Malaysian after capturing Putrajaya?
Thus, if Pakatan Rakyat is transparent, Pakatan Rakyat leaders, especially its de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should immediately state it out clearly that Pakatan Rakyat would object to the creation of Islamic states, including the implementation of Hudud laws.
Anything less than a clear statement would only show that all the rhetoric talks and policies by Pakatan Rakyat leaders are merely to fish for votes and to abandon their principles once capturing Putrajaya (if they ever to succeed).
I hope that Pakatan Rakyat would not “hoodwink” Malaysians on the issue of Hudud & Islamic state.
News from The Star on 10th January, 2010 (
PAS won’t bow to pressure from any quarter, says Hadi
KUALA LUMPUR: PAS will uphold its Islamic state agenda and will not bow to pressure from any quarter, including its Pakatan Rakyat partners.
Expressing shock over DAP chairman Karpal Singh’s call to compel PAS to review its stand over the Islamic state issue, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said the party would not compromise on its principles.
“We will bow to no one,” he said when launching Sua Kasih logo and H13 Squad to promote the spirit of brotherhood among various races and religions here yesterday.
Hadi was responding to Karpal’s call to Pakatan to tackle the issue of PAS pursuing its Islamic state agenda in view of the next general election.
Karpal had made the call during the second Pakatan convention in Kepala Batas recently.
Karpal had said that PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, PAS spiritual leader Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Hadi and DAP leaders should confront the issue and frankly consider the required solution.
Hadi said PAS could tolerate and be patient with DAP.
“We have extended co-operation to DAP although in the past, Karpal was adamant that Islamic state could only be implemented over his dead body.
“Our Mursyidul Am had retorted to Karpal’s comment that drew flak from many quarters,” he said, adding that PAS would still uphold its promises.
“When we make promises, we do not merely provide lip service. As Muslims, we will stand by promises made to non-Muslims,” he said.
Hadi said PAS was pursuing an Islamic state to create a system to ensure truth, justice and the protection of rights for everyone.
“Through Islamic governance, we will break all the walls that divide us,” he said, adding that the Western system subscribed to such barriers that divided a nation.
08 January, 2011
Hormati Negara Sebagai Negara Adil & Berdemokratik
Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Ketua Pemuda Angkatan Muda Keadilan Malaysia (AMK) Shamsul Iskandar Akin yang mengkritik nasihat Dato Seri Najib Razak yang mencadangkan agar isu Dato Seri Rais Yatim disiasat sebelum dihakimi oleh mana-mana pihak.
[ Sumber: ]
Saya berasa kesal bahawa AMK tidak dapat menerima nasihat yang munasabah daripada Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Di dalam mana-mana negara yang adil dan demokratik, mana-mana pihak tidak boleh dihakimi sehingga siasatan dan perbicaraan dijalankan ke atas dakwaan tersebut.
Walaupun Pakatan Rakyat “terlalu ingin sangat” menakluki negara, ia tidak boleh sehingga mengabaikan nasihat untuk menghormati sistem perundangan sebuah negara yang adil dan berdemokratik.
Dalam hal ini, pembantu rumah Dato Seri Rais Yatim telahpun menafikan dakwaan rogol tersebut semalam.
Saya berasa insiden ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa politik negara kita berada di paras yang amat rendah sehingga terdapat pihak yang sanggup membuat dakwaan palsu ke atas pemimpin-pemimpin Barisan Nasional bagi agenda politik peribadi.
Pihak-pihak tersebut kini cuba menanam suatu pandangan di dalam rakyat bahawa semua pemimpin-pemimpin Barisan Nasional adalah penjenayah dan apa-apa perbicaraan tidak diperlukan. Adakan ini merupakan keadilan & demokrasi yang dimaksudkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat?
Insiden ini juga telah “secara tidak adil” menjejaskan nama baik Dato Seri Rais Yatim serta keluarga beliau.
Saya berasa sedih bahawa terdapat golongan tertentu di antara rakyat kita yang sanggup menggunakan apa jua kaedah untuk mencapai matlamat politk mereka, biarpun ia merupakan suatu tindakan yang tidak beretika.
Saya berharap pihak-pihak tersebut akan menghentikan perkara sedemikian yang hanya akan menjejaskan nama baik negara sebagai sebuah negara yang adil dan berdemokratik.
[ Sumber: ]
Saya berasa kesal bahawa AMK tidak dapat menerima nasihat yang munasabah daripada Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Di dalam mana-mana negara yang adil dan demokratik, mana-mana pihak tidak boleh dihakimi sehingga siasatan dan perbicaraan dijalankan ke atas dakwaan tersebut.
Walaupun Pakatan Rakyat “terlalu ingin sangat” menakluki negara, ia tidak boleh sehingga mengabaikan nasihat untuk menghormati sistem perundangan sebuah negara yang adil dan berdemokratik.
Dalam hal ini, pembantu rumah Dato Seri Rais Yatim telahpun menafikan dakwaan rogol tersebut semalam.
Saya berasa insiden ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa politik negara kita berada di paras yang amat rendah sehingga terdapat pihak yang sanggup membuat dakwaan palsu ke atas pemimpin-pemimpin Barisan Nasional bagi agenda politik peribadi.
Pihak-pihak tersebut kini cuba menanam suatu pandangan di dalam rakyat bahawa semua pemimpin-pemimpin Barisan Nasional adalah penjenayah dan apa-apa perbicaraan tidak diperlukan. Adakan ini merupakan keadilan & demokrasi yang dimaksudkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat?
Insiden ini juga telah “secara tidak adil” menjejaskan nama baik Dato Seri Rais Yatim serta keluarga beliau.
Saya berasa sedih bahawa terdapat golongan tertentu di antara rakyat kita yang sanggup menggunakan apa jua kaedah untuk mencapai matlamat politk mereka, biarpun ia merupakan suatu tindakan yang tidak beretika.
Saya berharap pihak-pihak tersebut akan menghentikan perkara sedemikian yang hanya akan menjejaskan nama baik negara sebagai sebuah negara yang adil dan berdemokratik.
06 January, 2011
Pakatan Rakyat Should View Matters With An Open Mind & Not Misinterpret For Political Gains
I refer to the recent statement by Pakatan Rakyat leaders that I am a sexist and against pregnant woman to be state representatives.
During my conversation with a friend in twitter over the issue in the next coming general election:-
1. I was asked certain questions pertaining to Subang Jaya state constituency (where my friend says he voted in previous general election).
2. In the midst of our conversation, I asked whether “would (my friend) choose (a woman candidate from MCA - name withheld to respect privacy) or Hannah Yeoh, who will be on maternity leave soon”?
3. When asked by Hannah Yeoh what did I mean by “maternity leave”, I clarified that it merely mean, “you may not be able to service area during maternity leave, which you are entitled. Anyway, congratulation in welcoming your baby”.
4. I also immediately clarified to her that “I never say elected representative cannot be pregnant or take maternity leave”.
Clearly, no where in my conversation in twitter did I ever say I am against pregnant women to become state representatives nor did I request anyone to vote against pregnant women.
On the contrary, I have presented to my friend a choice of a pregnant woman to be the candidate of Subang Jaya state constituency in the next general election. How could I then be against pregnant woman?
Further, both of the candidates for Subang Jaya which I presented to my friend were women (which Pakatan Rakyat did not elaborate in their political propaganda against me).
I am also not against any woman taking maternity leave, being clearly the entitlement of woman which I reminded in my twitter conversation.
I understand the needs of certain politicans from Pakatan Rakyat to capitalize on any matters to salvage their current political predicament. This includes publicizing my conversation in twitter in the most negative manner that they could as they are now clearly lack of issues against Barisan Nasional.
It is unfortunate that Pakatan Rakyat has now caused the term “maternity leave” to be viewed as a sensitive matter in our country. Maternity leave should not be seen as a weakness of any person. Stating that someone will be on maternity leave should not be misinterpreted that the person is completely unfit to become state representatives.
I hope that political leaders, in particular those from Pakatan Rakyat should learn from this lesson so as to be more open minded in future and not to misinterpret the conversation of any person in the country while policing cyberspace for their political gains.
During my conversation with a friend in twitter over the issue in the next coming general election:-
1. I was asked certain questions pertaining to Subang Jaya state constituency (where my friend says he voted in previous general election).
2. In the midst of our conversation, I asked whether “would (my friend) choose (a woman candidate from MCA - name withheld to respect privacy) or Hannah Yeoh, who will be on maternity leave soon”?
3. When asked by Hannah Yeoh what did I mean by “maternity leave”, I clarified that it merely mean, “you may not be able to service area during maternity leave, which you are entitled. Anyway, congratulation in welcoming your baby”.
4. I also immediately clarified to her that “I never say elected representative cannot be pregnant or take maternity leave”.
Clearly, no where in my conversation in twitter did I ever say I am against pregnant women to become state representatives nor did I request anyone to vote against pregnant women.
On the contrary, I have presented to my friend a choice of a pregnant woman to be the candidate of Subang Jaya state constituency in the next general election. How could I then be against pregnant woman?
Further, both of the candidates for Subang Jaya which I presented to my friend were women (which Pakatan Rakyat did not elaborate in their political propaganda against me).
I am also not against any woman taking maternity leave, being clearly the entitlement of woman which I reminded in my twitter conversation.
I understand the needs of certain politicans from Pakatan Rakyat to capitalize on any matters to salvage their current political predicament. This includes publicizing my conversation in twitter in the most negative manner that they could as they are now clearly lack of issues against Barisan Nasional.
It is unfortunate that Pakatan Rakyat has now caused the term “maternity leave” to be viewed as a sensitive matter in our country. Maternity leave should not be seen as a weakness of any person. Stating that someone will be on maternity leave should not be misinterpreted that the person is completely unfit to become state representatives.
I hope that political leaders, in particular those from Pakatan Rakyat should learn from this lesson so as to be more open minded in future and not to misinterpret the conversation of any person in the country while policing cyberspace for their political gains.
04 January, 2011

I refer to the poll conducted by Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak on what improvements Malaysia would like to see in year 2011. The poll can be seen at the Prime Minister official website.
I would like to propose to our Prime Minister for our government to consider converting 50% of the PTPTN Education loan to scholarships for graduates of local universities who obtained 2nd Class Upper.
As I have said in my previous proposal to convert PTPTN loan to scholarship for 1st Class Student in local universities, this 50% scholarship would also serve as recognition by the government of the student’s academic excellence and in line with the promotion of better quality undergraduates in local universities.
Though the returns of this scholarship (which would require substantial budget) cannot be quantified in monetary terms, the development of human capital is the most important sector in any developed country. The result would be seen across all sectors in the country’s economy, in both short and long term.
Such scholarship would also indirectly grant a head start for these students in their career, who would otherwise be burden with substantial education loans.
In order for government to restudy this matter in depth, I am forwarding my proposal again as early as January, 2011.
I hope that the government would consider this proposal in the next coming budget for 2012.
I believe this would be line with our country’s 1Malaysia concept whereby the education of the people would also be first.
02 January, 2011
Selangor State Secretary & Article 52(1) & 52(6) of the Selangor State Constitution
I am reproducing the extract of the Selangor State Constitution in view of the recent issues over the Selangor State Secretary appointment.
Article 52(1)of the Selangor State Constitution
High Highness shall on recommendation of the appropriate Service Commission by instrument under His Sign Manual & the State Seal appoint a person holding whole time office in the public services to be the State Secretary, the State Legal Adviser and the State Financial Officer respectively PROVIDED THAT before acting on the recommendation of the Service Commission His Highness shall consider the advice of the Menteri Besar and may once refer the recommendation back to the Commission in order that it may be considered.
Article 52(6): In the event of there being no Service Commission having jurisdiction in respect of any appointment of any officers mentioned in Clause (1) such appointment may be made by His Highness acting in His discretion.
My views:-
1. Power to appoint the state secretary lies with the Sultan of Selangor subject to certain proviso.
2. First issue that arise is whether there is a Service Commission having jurisdiction in respect of the appointment. I am not privy to such information so I would made my assumption as follows:-
(A)If there is such Service Commission having such jurisdiction,
then the Second issue is whether the Sultan did consider the advice of Menteri Besar of Selangor before the appointment. There is no definition of how the advice of MB Selangor is deemed made or considered by the Sultan nor is there any formal procedure lay out under the State Constitution. But the wording "shall" would be deem as compulsory for the MB Selangor's advice to be considered, though not compulsory to be followed.
Only clear cut evidence that may show whether the Sultan did consider the MB Selangor advice is if such advice was referred back to the Service Commission (but such referral is clearly on discretionary basis by His Highness - based on the usage of the term "may once refer"). Other than that, the Sultan would be the only one to know whether His Highness did consider the advice made by MB Selangor, whether made orally or in writing or any other form of communication. It would then be for MB Selangor to show that he did not may such advice (if that's the case).
(B) If there is no such Service Commission having such jurisdiction,
then under Article 52(6), such appointment (of the state secretary) may be made by His Highness acting in His discretion. The second issue would then be whether the proviso in Article 52(1) to consider the MB Selangor advice would be applicable - since Article 52(6) provides that "such appointment may be made by His Highness acting in His discretion". That remain to be intepreted by judiciary.
If the proviso for MB Selangor advise is applicable, then my above opinion on the manner as to how MB Selangor advice be considered by the Sultan would be repeated here.
It would then be a question of facts whether MB Selangor did provide such advice to the Sultan Selangor and whether the Sultan Selangor did consider such advice.
My aforesaid opinion is not meant to conclude anything other than stating my opinion as to the laws in an objective manner.
Article 52(1)of the Selangor State Constitution
High Highness shall on recommendation of the appropriate Service Commission by instrument under His Sign Manual & the State Seal appoint a person holding whole time office in the public services to be the State Secretary, the State Legal Adviser and the State Financial Officer respectively PROVIDED THAT before acting on the recommendation of the Service Commission His Highness shall consider the advice of the Menteri Besar and may once refer the recommendation back to the Commission in order that it may be considered.
Article 52(6): In the event of there being no Service Commission having jurisdiction in respect of any appointment of any officers mentioned in Clause (1) such appointment may be made by His Highness acting in His discretion.
My views:-
1. Power to appoint the state secretary lies with the Sultan of Selangor subject to certain proviso.
2. First issue that arise is whether there is a Service Commission having jurisdiction in respect of the appointment. I am not privy to such information so I would made my assumption as follows:-
(A)If there is such Service Commission having such jurisdiction,
then the Second issue is whether the Sultan did consider the advice of Menteri Besar of Selangor before the appointment. There is no definition of how the advice of MB Selangor is deemed made or considered by the Sultan nor is there any formal procedure lay out under the State Constitution. But the wording "shall" would be deem as compulsory for the MB Selangor's advice to be considered, though not compulsory to be followed.
Only clear cut evidence that may show whether the Sultan did consider the MB Selangor advice is if such advice was referred back to the Service Commission (but such referral is clearly on discretionary basis by His Highness - based on the usage of the term "may once refer"). Other than that, the Sultan would be the only one to know whether His Highness did consider the advice made by MB Selangor, whether made orally or in writing or any other form of communication. It would then be for MB Selangor to show that he did not may such advice (if that's the case).
(B) If there is no such Service Commission having such jurisdiction,
then under Article 52(6), such appointment (of the state secretary) may be made by His Highness acting in His discretion. The second issue would then be whether the proviso in Article 52(1) to consider the MB Selangor advice would be applicable - since Article 52(6) provides that "such appointment may be made by His Highness acting in His discretion". That remain to be intepreted by judiciary.
If the proviso for MB Selangor advise is applicable, then my above opinion on the manner as to how MB Selangor advice be considered by the Sultan would be repeated here.
It would then be a question of facts whether MB Selangor did provide such advice to the Sultan Selangor and whether the Sultan Selangor did consider such advice.
My aforesaid opinion is not meant to conclude anything other than stating my opinion as to the laws in an objective manner.
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